Downtown Ho-Ho-Kus, 1960s and Today

Ho-Ho-Kus, 1960's

Ho-Ho-Kus, 1960’s

Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey, U.S.A.

[10 Feb 2015: Hello visitors to this post — seeing a spike in today’s views, referred from Facebook. Would anyone be kind enough to leave a comment letting me know where in FB you’re coming from? Just curious – thanks.]

It was a big deal in Ho-Ho-Kus when my late brother Rob and I became old enough to walk downtown by ourselves.

Like others who grew up here, I have a thousand memories of this little strip of shops on Sheridan Avenue.

When cleaning out my mother’s house last year, I found the postcard pictured above. I saved it as a precious item and may yet frame it in Sydney, because this view perfectly captures the main Ho-Ho-Kus ‘downtown’ of my childhood.

There were and are a few more shops, down the street, around the corner, and on a parallel road. But these shops were the ones where Rob and I spent most of our time. I spent much of my 50-cents a week allowance here, but even at an early age Rob had excellent savings habits.

As we got older, we rode our bikes downtown, without helmets and without bike locks. We parked our bikes outside the shops and they were never tampered with or stolen. It never occurred to us they might be.

A Self-Contained World

My mother did her grocery shopping at the big Grand Union in neighbouring Ridgewood. Otherwise, the Ho-Ho-Kus shops met all our needs.

I realise when I think of it now that our little downtown was a self-contained world. At one end, the Quality Shop for women was small but always had just the right blouse or skirt. The Men’s Shop next door was the only place to buy our father’s birthday and Christmas presents.

At the other end of the shops, there was a cafe we didn’t go into when we were kids, and Ho-Ho-Kus Hardware, which served residents who, unlike us, knew about DIY and home improvement.

When I was in seventh and eighth grade, it was a treat for my girlfriends and me when our mothers let us have lunch downtown at the Sheridan Cafe on a school day, instead of going home for lunch.

The shops in the middle were our favourites:

  • Mufson’s: Sliding-glass candy cabinets had a full range of penny candy and larger candy bars. Here we bought dot candy, Lik’M Aid, black licorice sticks, and Rob’s favourite Three Musketeers. Sometimes when my grandparents visited, my grandfather took me to Mufson’s to get a pint of Country Club vanilla ice cream.  Best of all, some Wednesday nights after Dad took me and Rob out for our weekly dinner with him, he’d take us to Mufson’s afterwards. He stopped to get cigarettes for himself, but we knew he’d be good for a large candy bar and a 25-cent Little Dot or Richie Rich comic book for each of us.

  • Ho-Ho-Kus Bakery: Sometimes Mom got bread here, where they asked me if we wanted it sliced thin or regular. Rob loved their jelly donuts. I requested their small rectangular 7-layer cake for my birthday every year. I often got a big chocolate chip cookie and Rob a large sugar cookie.

  • Ben’s 5 & 10: The absolute, undisputed, world’s greatest 5 & 10 store on the planet, in my humble opinion. I can see every aisle in my mind, starting with my favourite, the stationery section on the left-hand side, lined with little rainbow pads and spiral notebooks. Toys were up the back, and on the right-hand side were the ‘grown-up’ aisles, with kitchen and sewing supplies. Robby and I lived on the left-hand aisle. I bought notebooks and pens and he bought squirt guns and miniature cars. I’ve been in many variety stores around the world but have never found one I liked as much as Ben’s.

Signs of the Times

On Clive’s first visit to Ho-Ho-Kus in 2006, he bought newspapers at the former Mufson’s, where he was served by the new Indian owner. Last year, we found the shop empty, and it’s still empty today.

Empty Shop Where Mufson's Used to Be

Empty Shop Where Mufson’s Used to Be

Of course we’re in the midst of a global recession, but I still find it dispiriting this prosperous town can’t support a newsagent. Much of the population works on or around Wall Street, so I guess it’s not surprising to find such visible evidence of the economic crisis right here in downtown Ho-Ho-Kus.

Across the street from Mufson’s, Dench and Sons isn’t pumping gas any more, but they’re still providing automotive services.

Dench's Service Station, Still Here

Dench’s Service Station, Still Here

Today’s View

Today downtown Ho-Ho-Kus still has a certain charm, empty stationery store and overhead wires notwithstanding. The shops are modern and include real estate, jewelry, and a reliable florist I use regularly from Sydney when I’m sending flowers to anyone in this area. Ho-Ho-Kus is considered a desirable New York suburb, and is blessedly free of fast food and Starbucks, though I won’t be surprised they eventually find their way in.

Ho-Ho-Kus Downtown Today

Ho-Ho-Kus Downtown Today

My Ho-Ho-Kus downtown will always be the glass candy cabinets and comic book shelves at Mufson’s, powdered donuts and 7-layer cake from the Bakery, and a world of possibility at Ben’s 5 and 10.

Related link:  Borough (Town) of Ho-Ho-Kus Official Website

312 Responses

  1. Another lovely post. Reading it made me think about the similar memories I have about the country town I grew up in NSW. I would frame the postcard because it is a treasure and a positive reminder of a happy childhood. I hope you are having a wonderful trip Caroline and now I will be off to dream about 7 layer cakes ……yum!

    • Hello, I and my sisters Janet and Barbara Hall also grew up in Ho-Ho-Kus. We lived on Blauvelt Ave. I read all the comments and remember almost everyone. Some of you are the brothers and sisters of those I knew. I was also a Ho-Ho-Kus Volunteer Fireman for 8 years before I moved away. I have been living in Nuernberg, Germany for 37 years. My two kids live in NJ and I have five Grandchildren. I was in the HHK class of 1956. My Best Wishes to everyone.

      • Herbert, thanks for your comments on this post — much appreciated!

        I hadn’t realised you’ve been in Germany for 37 years (congratulations on last night’s World Cup victory!). I can relate somewhat as I’ve lived outside the U.S. since 1995. I was in the HHK/RHS class with Barbara — would you please give her a big hello and all best wishes across the Pond.

        Cheers and thanks again for your comments.

  2. When my sister and I and our friends traveled downtown, we too visited the bakery and Ben’s. What was Mufson’s for you was Steve’s Candy Store for us. My mother frequently purchased things at The Quality Shop (or Sealfon’s in Ridgewood) and The Mens Shop (for some reason) always did the embroidery for our HHK/Saddle River soccer jackets. My father worked for over 30 years for The Grand Union company, but he did all of our shopping in Waldwick. Our visits downtown for lunch were ALWAYS for pizza over next to the Krausers/Garden State milk store. (I don’t think it ever occurred to us to go to the Sheridan Cafe. Tragic oversight on our part.)
    One of my best bittersweet memories of one of my last visits home is of walking to the florist from 82 Carlton (only about 7 minutes) to purchase flowers for my best girlhood friend’s birthday. She still lives in HHK, so I was able to walk to the florist to buy them, then walk a few more blocks to her house on Elmwood to deliver them. It really made me realize how lucky I was to grow up there!

  3. You created the most evocative post out of the most prosaic things . . .favorite stores from your childhood. There is such a beauty in your words and descriptions. Wow!

    And I feel better now that I can pronounce Ho-ho-kus in my mind’s eye (er, mind’s voice??).

  4. This post makes me realise that everyday my husband and I are creating memories for our children. I hope they can look back on their childhood with fondness and good memories, like you are able to.

    • I have great memories of Hohokus as my Grandmother lived there and often baby sat for my sister and I. In the photo above of 1960’s Hohokus the author failed to call out the last store in the group to the far right. It was the Elmwood luncheonette where my Grandma often brought us for Sat evening dinners and my sis and I both loved that.

  5. Thanks for your nice thoughts Lilly, KimB, and MrsChipndale. MrsC, I’m sure your children will have similar happy memories. Amanda,, love your HHK comments! I missed the pizza place but ‘Garden State Farms’ is still there, albeit with a new name. That’s where Clive gets the British ‘Times’ now. It still has the same atmosphere with frozen and other foods and a few papers in the front. I also had friends on Elmwood, another nice street. Thanks sharing your memories!

  6. I have really enjoyed your memories and history of the town where I now live. As a more recent resident it is so interesting to hear of the town’s rich past. I’d like to use your postcard shot for a “then and now” comparison. I hope that will be ok with you. Ho-Ho-Kus is still a wonderful place to live and bring up kids.

  7. Andy, thanks for your nice comment. Yes, of course it’s fine to use the postcard photo and it’s great to know you’re enjoying living in Ho-Ho-Kus today. It’s definitely a wonderful place for kids to grow up!


  8. Wow! Picture brings back memories! We lived on Sheridan Ave. in the 60s & 70s. Nice Place to grow up. Took my 6 year old daughter though town earlier this year – Mufson’s building was being renovated and was for rent! I bought LOTS of candy in that place. Elmwood (?) diner was a Sushi place! Times have changed. Dench’s, Sicilian Sun, Penny Candy Store (really old) Ben’s 5&10, Bakery was the best, King Auto Parts, Mufson’s (we called it Andy’s). Great post. Thanks.

  9. Bill H, thanks for your comment. All those shop names really bring back memories. It’s great your daughter got to see the town.

    Ho-Ho-Kus was definitely a nice place to grow up.


  10. Greetings to all who had the pleasure of growing up in Ho-Ho-Kus, NJ.

    I found your wonderful site as I was searching for a version of the old Ho-Ho-Kus Indian Chief. I’m about to re-create the silk-screen profile from a good t-shirt version I have from long ago.

    This year I’ve had the pleasure of enjoying many breakfasts with Mr. Cassells at his favorite spot in Midland Park. He’s doing well and still remembers every student he ever had.

    I’m a K thru 8’er who graduated in ’68. 22 Years later I quietly located my classmates. After finding all but six, I polled the class for the best reunion date. Our wonderful 23 year reunion took place in Saddle River and at our beloved school on Memorial Day weekend 1991. Sixty-seven were able to attend.

    As a professional t.v. cameraman, I was able to create a 40 minute reunion documentary that features Coach Simos, Mr. Cassells, Mr. Molzan, Mrs. Peacock, Mrs. Pabian the music teacher, and a whistling Mrs. Daly. Coach Simos brought large versions of all his sports photos from back then and we played softball on the old field.

    Mssrs. Cassells and Molzan are doing well and still live nearby. Mr. Cassells remembers everyone and is still in touch with many students. Here’s something you may never have known: After teaching us History, Mr. Cassells flew into Manhattan where he sang at every performance at the Metropolitan Opera House! He has a world class opera voice and did this throughout the 60’s and 70’s!

    In early September, I had a great conversation with sky-diving-biker-barber Art Cooke of Art’s Barber Shop. He was sitting outside his shop enjoying some sun.

    I’ve traveled all over this country and a dozen others recording great stories, but our Ho-Ho-Kus Reunion will always be my favorite. If anyone knew the Class of ’68 and would like a DVD, it’s yours for the asking.

    May God bless every parent, child and shopkeeper who helped make Ho-Ho-Kus the most wonderful hometown in America.

    • Along with the great memories the photos evoked, I was struck by the fact that Jeff took the time to connect with the teachers there. Any chance, Jefff, you will post that so that others can see it?

      Graduated in 1970 from HHK PS#1 and only, and at our 30 year reunion, we had over 50 show. Next year, we are at 40 years, hope to see the same number or more.

      Thanks for the great posting!

    • Dear Jeff,

      My sister, Mary Ann, sent me this post about Ho-Ho-Kus, which triggered all kinds of great memories. Then, when I scrolled down, I found your post as well. The ho-Ho-Kus reunion that you organized is the only reunion I’ve ever been to, as I’m sure no other could compare! I would LOVE to have that DVD. Could you send it to me? I’m living in Philly now, at 1830 Lombard St #706, Philadelphia, PA 19146. Where are you living these days and what are you up to?

      That you have connected with Mr. Cassels is amazing. I remember him well, though Van Orden was always my personal favorite. Of course, I’ve ended up in science, so that makes sense.

      Thanks so much for all you do to stay connected!

      Patti Coughlin

    • Congrats on finding most of your class for your reunion. When we graduated from Ho-Ho-Kus Grammar School in 1953 we had just 39 in the class. Five are no longer with us but I was able to search out and find 33 classmates for our 50th. I think about 25 came back. We have had another reunion since and will probably try to gather in 2013 for our 60th. David Cassells just arrived in HHK maybe a year before we graduated. I remember playing touch football with him during our 8th grade year. Being in eighth grade was pretty hot stuff. We had a small projectionist committee and whenever there were movies for and of the classes, we ran the projector. We had Saturday afternoon movies as well… usually several cartoons, a cliffhanger and a movie like Laurel and Hardy. I think admission was a nickle. It was a major trip in the fall to go to Tice’s farm to buy bushels of apples and gallon jugs of cider. I think you can still see the farm from the GSP. If you have an email for Mr. Cassells, I would appreciate it. Also, where in Saddle River did you hold your reunion?
      Growing up in HHK through the 40’s and 50’s was a magical time and I cherish those memories and the “kids” of ’53.

    • How awesome. No I had no idea that Mr. Cassells sang Opera. That is fantastic. All I remember was Mr. Molzan saying he hoped he lived long enough to see a man on the moon! I can bet Mrs. Serry would be flabbergasted to know I have 6 books published and am a working (as in paid) book editor. See what even a B- can do! ( I am now thankful for the hours at the board learning how to diagram a sentence.)

      I think Mrs. Pabian is the one who said that after her first Christmas concert she went home and cried. Hey, we thought we sounded okay…even if Billy Letz did “fall on his knees” as we were singing “Oh Holy Night”.

      Love the pic of Ho-ho-kus. I was there last year. I have the distinction of being one of the few Girl Scouts who fainted dead away at the Fourth of July Parade during the speeches. I loved the Candy Cane.
      My twin brother, Dan, got his crew cut and butch wax from Art! I used to go with him so I could read the comics. Sally Franz

      • Sally – Yup, it was an impressive crash on the risers – I still think of Bill Letz when the song gets to the “fall on your knees part”.
        No kidding you live in Portlandia!?! I live in Eugene. Do you remember me? We were really good friends, but I did that disappearing act after 7th grade and finished school on the North Shore of Chicago. I fear I am erased from memories, altho not true on this end. I was also just back again last month; it is so sweet to drive through and hit the favorite spots. Kris Neilson

      • Sally, we were in the same class. It has been a long time and I was excited to find this post today. I feel so sad that Mufson’s is first job. Ho-Ho-Kus Elementary was a long time ago. I have been considering a road trip just to see Ho-Ho-Kus again.

    • I am an alumnus from ’65 and have been living in Chapel Hill, NC for the last 20 years. I heard today from a distant relative that Coach Simos passed away. He was tough love type of coach, but like most students, I remember him fondly.

      If its not too much trouble, would it be possible to send me a DVD of the documentary you did on the teachers? Please let me know.

      Charlie Handy

    • Any way to make your reunion documentary video avail online? I’d love to see & post to our Class of 1971 site Terry Suess, Miami/Ft Lauderdale FL metro

    • Jeff, please mention to Mr Cassells that he & I used to share Jean Shepherd stories from his nightly comedy radio show – we were both fans. Shep died in 1999. I was one of the projectionists lead by Mr Cassells before I graduated 1971! TERRY SUESS, South Florida

      • hey terry – Bob Kaiser ’69 HHK, ’73 St Joes, ’77 Penn State. now in Silver Spring, MD (outside DC). terrific post on Ho Ho Kus – how did your ’71 reunion turn out? Remember all the boy scout stuff we did, with our dads trying to both teach us and keep us in line?


      • Bob, great hearing from you. I’ll send you separate message from my personal email soon. I remember you & your fam well, remember visiting you at Penn State frat, the hikes & campouts etc. I never went to our 71 reunion, sort of fizzled out. Living in Ft Lauderdale area since 1987, met wife in college, son 22 yrs old graduating Dec from FSU-Tallahassee, then grad school: neuroscience. Me: same – marketing & sales Latin America, Carib, US multicultural – now in the respiratory med products area. Saw your sister Nancy (?) & Mom once during a short airport connection layover in Tampa in late 70’s. My parents still well near Roanoke/Lynchburg VA, brother near Asheville NC.

    • Yes Jeff a great reunion we all had a bond forever. I would love the DVD are we going to try to have another one? Thanks Jeff Rob Deraffele

    • Jeff,

      I met you when we lived in Saddle River on Mill Road. We then moved to HHK in ’64. My brother and I used to jump on your trampoline…living in HHK was wonderful. When I come back to visit my sister, it all seems so different. We had an idyllic childhood.

    • Hello Jeff, Rob Deraffele would like to know if I could get a copy of our reunion. I just recently had breakfast at the fireplace in Paramus and stumbled upon a 1965 reunion of hohokus I saw art the barber mr cassells these people were in 8th when we were in5th . Made me wish for another reunion. Thanks for the memories

    • Hi Jeff

      Many years have passed, but is there any chance you could share the video of the teachers? We had the same teachers who are now gone.

      I am from class of ’61 and have brothers (Lill) that you know.

      Corinne Lill Lynch

    • Hi Jeff

      Many years have passed, but is there any chance you could share the video of the teachers? We had the same teachers who are now gone.

      I am from class of ’61 and have brothers (Lill) that you know.

      Corinne Lill Lynch

  11. If you can, please either fix or ignore the typo “a[n] K thru 8’er”.

    Mrs. Mercier – I do know better!

  12. Hi Carolyn,

    I’m in touch with a few other Ho-Ho-Kus Class organizers. If some of the people you’re looking for were HHK grads, send me their names and class year and I’ll ask others if they have any info.

    By the way, I had to locate my class without the use of the internet. I’d get a lead and call 911 operators asking them to search out names. Hundreds of hours looking here, there, everywhere!

    If they’re Ho-Ho-Kus grads from the 60’s, there’s a good chance we can find them.

    God bless,


    • this may be of interest to you ,my brouther was at that reunion and you spoke to him .I’m living in florida help…… glad to see ya so to speak.

    • Jeff, my second post to you. You are aware of other class orgainzers? I thought I graduated with the class of 1969, but seeing some of these names here who are ’68 grads, I’ll have to check my yearbo. Yes, I still have it! Anyway, I’d be very appreciative of any help you could send my way. Thanks.

      Laurie McDermott Stewart

      What class did you graduate with?

    • Jeff, I unintentionally tripped over this article whilst seeking something else. I’m a member of the Class of 1958 and was succeeded by my sisters [Kathleen (1960) and Patricia (1965)] and brothers [John (1962) and Michael (1965)] Michael still ives in Ho-Ho-Kus at the “old” family address. Please let me know if there are reunions for 1958. Thank you…

  13. Jeff, thanks for your wonderful comments with so many familiar teachers’ names and lovely memories.

    Correction made with a nod to Mrs. Mercier 🙂

    I do recall Mr. Cassells mentioning his singing but had no idea he sang regularly at the Met – how absolutely fabulous. I have an old black and white photograph of him playing basketball in the gym.

    Your reunion sounds like a memorable experience. Good on you for finding so many classmates.

    Thanks again and good luck with the T-shirt!


  14. As a member of the Ho-Ho-Kus class of ’61 and Ridgewood Class of ’65, I too would like to thank you for your memories. I had forgotten what a big treat it was to be able to “downtown” for lunch.

    FYI, I lived on the “other side of 17” on Brandywine next door to Mary Duffield who taught 4th grade and whose son, David, founded People Soft. What great memories. What a great little town. Thanks again.

    • Thank you for the description of our beloved town. I lived on the “other side of Rt. 17” on Brandywine Road. Fond memories of a great little town.

      Thanks !

      • Lois, thanks for your visit and comment. Maybe you also knew our beloved Mrs. Duffleid.

        It really was/is a great little town.


    • HI George — I’m a member of the class of ’61, too. I used to live on Gilbert Road, near the intersection of Hollywood and Sheridan Aves. One of my fond memories is the crumb cake from the Bakery (also their hard rolls, and the round bread they would slice there). Not so fond memory was a visit to Dr. Nagel’s office.The radio in the waiting room would go to all static when he was drilling on a “victim.” How is your brother Bill?

      • Good grief, two very familiar family names. I’m HHK ’58 and RHS ’62 followed by Kathleen, John, Michael and Patricia. Although remodeled, Michael lives in the original family home purchased in 1953. I went to school with Craig and Leslie and played soccer forever with Craig. Craig was the star at Outside Right, that is until Coach Flectner had us all practice in bare feet to “improve” ball handling skills. Coach, wearing cleats, stepped on and broke Craig’s foot. Without Craig’s heavy shot, the season took a nose dive. I also remember the Mortenson Bon Voyage party after graduation in ’62.

    • Shout out to Mrs. Mortensen, George’s mom, who worked as a nurse for my father, Dr. Louis A. Pyle, pediatrician in private practice at 74 Fairlawn St. She was one of our family’s favorites! Best wishes to George and his brother, Billy as I recall.

      • Hi Tom and thanks for your comment.

        I remember your father making house calls 🙂 and being very kind when he did. Hope he had a well-deserved retirement after taking care of HHK children over the years.

      • Hello, Tom! Your Dad was my Doctor. I’ve never had one better. You and I schooled together, same class. You were one heck of a goalie on our ‘dominating’ soccer team! Hope you are well, Tom. Ken Woods, Buford Wyoming. Grew up on Hollywood Ave by Lakewood I think and Elmwood.

  15. Carolyn,

    Thanks for your post. Growing up in HHK was a great experience. My parents owned Mufson’s from the early 1940’s until “Andy’s” retirement in 1977. They subsequently moved to southern N.J. where they had many memorable years living in the New Jersey Pine Barons. My dad passed away in 1994 and mom moved to California to be near me last year. I literally grew up in the candy store. 🙂

    As an aside I also have fond memories of Australia. As, in the early 1970’s I lived in Elisabeth Bay while I taught H.S. in Ashcroft, N.S.W. I might still be there today except for a stubborn California girl who would not mary me. I chased her back to Santa Rosa, CA and we have now been married 36 years.

    Best Regards,

    HHK class of 61
    Ridgewood HS class of 65

    • Wow ! What a trip down memory lane. I lived at 30 Carolton Ave. until my junior year at R.H.S. then we moved to Upper Saddle River. John Kozusko, I remember when you were born! Your parents Florence and Andy were my parents best friends. They sold your parents the property that your house was on next to ours, on Carlton Ave.. Sure is a small world !

      Many a trip was made to Andy’s candy store by me and I can check all the crowns on my teeth as a result. Often I ran down to the store for a loaf of bread for my mom which I believe was around 30 cents. It came from the deli the same place we used to get pickles from the barrel………….

      One of my fondest memories was the window painting we did on the stores every year at Halloween. Interestingly enough I ended up doing store and window displays for a living!

      This has been the greates…………………thanks

      Carol (Rue) Brodbeck

      P.S. I have used my middle name Rue, ever since there was 5 Carols in Mrs. Carter’s geometry class!

      • Hey Rue… Glad to see you are on this site. Can it be 60 years since we were the great HHK class of ’53? Hope all is well in GA.

    • I grew up in Ho-Ho-Kus…Nancy Tebbe…on Fairlawn St. and later on Ackerman Ave. I loved to walk downtown with my best friend, Carolyn Miller. Spent many happy times in your parents store, and in Ben’s dime store…and some scarier moments in Dr. Nagle’s dentist chair on the same street!

      • My folks built the house at 25 Fairlawn in 1939 and I lived there until I graduated from RHS in 1957. I suspect you were many years after that.
        Bud Sales HHK “53

      • Hi, Nancy!
        I used to live on Hollywood Ave. Your mother and mine went to K.U. and were in the same sorority, although your mother was younger and they weren’t there together.
        My parents would occasionally have yours over for a drink on Sundays, and you and I played with our clothes chute, which went down to our basement.
        You had a gorgeous brother, Graham, and a very old dog named Bobo.

        Gay Moore

    • HI John: I have many fond memories of having a vanilla Coke in Mufson’s — hand made, not bottled. I also remember buying Mad Magazines there. Didn’t we have Webelos meetings at your house, too?

    • I worked in Mufson’s for Andy many years ago. I think it was the most fun job I ever had. He would go home for dinner every night from 6-7:30 and Casy would stop in, I think to make sure whoever was working was ok. Great memories.

  16. George, thanks for your comment. Ho-Ho-Kus is a great little town with so many memories for all of us.

    I had friends on ‘your’ side of Route 17 and remember your Brandywine neighbourhood. How amazing you were next door to the Duffields! Mrs. Duffield was my beloved fourth grade teacher and also that of my late brother, Rob. She was a dear friend of my mother’s from their HHK bridge clubs, too. I had her for fourth grade the year her husband Albert died (and to continue the coincidence, my grandmother had taught him in elementary school in Paterson, NJ!). She was a wonderful person and often talked about her sons and Cornell Univ. (where I believe David has since endowed a research or scholarship fund).

    Cheers and thanks again for your kind comment.

  17. John, thank you too for your comment. I am honoured to have one of Andy’s family here! I know I’m one of hundreds or more likely thousands of people who have wonderful, lifelong memories of that special store where you grew up.

    I was in the same class as your sister Sue 🙂 Unfortunately I missed a HHK reunion of our class a few years ago (I’m not sure if Sue went, either but please say hello to her!). I’m sorry to hear of your father’s death and am sure your mom is happy to be near you now.

    That’s great you spent time in Sydney and taught school here in NSW. It’s a beautiful country but it sounds like you made the best decision re going back to the U.S. As the Aussies say, ‘good on ya’ for your 36 years together.

    Cheers and thanks again for your comment.

  18. Bill D., John K., and George M.:

    I remember you all! Bill: I recall coming to your home for scout den meetings, your wonderfully warm mother, and your faher owned the Ford [and for a short while the Edsel] dealership; George: I went to boyscout camp with you and your brother, Billy; John: I remember going to buy newspapers and candy at your family’s shop! often I could go on and on! Happy holidays to you all! as ever,
    Jeffrey Lynford, HHS though1960

    • Hi Jeff. You were my first friend at school! My Dad bought and Edsel .one of the first.

  19. Carolyn, thanks so much for this site.

    More Memories of Ho-Ho-Kus

    The Hollywood hill in the winter after a snow. Everyone would arrive, an American Flyer (with freshly waxed runners) in tow to see if they could be the one to get the furthest down the hill before stopping.

    No Snow? Wrap your Ice Skates around the handle bars of your bike and proceed up Hollywood Ave, crossing Franklin Turnpike, and the railroad tracks to the bleachery. If it was cold enough a portion of the Ho-Ho-Kus brook that was dammed up would be frozen enough for ice skating. Just avoid the thin spots.

    From the Ho-Ho-Kus Inn traveling south on Maple Ave, just after crossing the brook on the left was the only Barber shop in town till Art opened his place. Ninety Cents for a hair cut. All this and change from your dollar. Continue south, now in Ridgewood on the left just before the Ford dealer was the Maple House. Best Chocolate Chip Ice cream I every had.

    Best Pickle? Muller’s (Sp?) Delicatessen. Dill pickle, no garlic please.
    Best Cherry Coke? Andy’s. Ten cents for the coke another two pennies for the cherry syrup. Those two pennies made all the difference back then. Today they seem insignificant.
    Best Seven Layer Cake? The Ho-Ho-Kus Bakery. I was in the bakery for the first time in decades in 1995. As soon as I walked through the door it hit me like a ton of bricks. The shop smelled exactly as it did in my childhood. I wasn’t ready for that.
    Best Lunch. Cheese Burger and Vanilla Milk Shake at the Elmwood (Sheridan Café). It seems it had a nick name (like Andy’s) but I can’t remember.
    This time of the year coming from the Community Church the sound of bells ringing out Christmas Carols. The tree by the town hall all decked out like the biggest Christmas tree I had ever seen.

    And I loved the fact that what ever you needed was just a bike ride away. It was hard getting up to Saint Lukes, but the ride back was worth it. In fact mom didn’t need a second car as she does today. All she had to say is “Bill, here is some money, go to the butcher and pick up a half pound of chopped chuck. Careful crossing the street, walk don’t ride”

    I hope this brings half the pleasure to the reader as it did to the writer.

    I have some other old post cards of Ho-Ho-Kus but can’t seem to attach them

    Bill Delaney
    605 Warren Ave
    Oliver 2-1797
    HHK Grammar School Class 1961

    • Bill, Are you Donnie’s older brother? He was in my class. I was smitten with him and have a pending law suit against the Gingerbread Castle wishing well for false advertising and knowingly breaking a 6 year old’s heart . The dime I pitched landing squarely in the magic wishing cup and I wanted to be married to Donny Delaney…I think it was the freckles that did me in for him. LOL

    • I loved your post! I lived on Hollywood Ave. between 1951 and when I left to go to college in ’61. My mother sold our home and left the area in 1972.
      I went to St. Luke’s for grammar school, not HHKs school, and either walked or rode my bike.
      I went to Schmongee’s (the Elmwood) rather than Andy’s. I always got a chocolate chip mint cone for $.10. With sprinkles, it was $.12.
      Since I lived at the bottom of Hollywood, getting to the top for sledding was easy. I would spend the whole day sledding, until my mittens were soaked through. My friend Mimi (Lakewood Ave.) and I sometimes ice-skated at the Duck Pond. O, those frozen feet!!! She and I would buy jelly donuts at Mulley’s bakery.

  20. Jeffrey and Bill, sounds like you had a great group of friends in Ho-Ho-Kus.

    Bill, those are wonderful memories – thanks so much for sharing them here. So many great details and all so familiar 🙂 The cafe was indeed ‘The Elmwood’ as far as I remember.

    Cheers to a great little town.

  21. What great memories all of you have shared. I was born in HHK in ’39 and lived at 25 Fairlawn St. until going to college in 1957.
    I helped carry cans of bacon fat to the Grand Union for recycling during the war. (Most of our dads were air raid wardens.) You gave your order to the man behind the counter and he filled it often using a long handled “grabber” to get items off the shelf. The cans of fat went to the butcher on the other side of the store. The post office was around the corner next to the corner drug store. I think the only thing I ever bought from the Quality Shop might have been thread for bead making in scouts.
    Mufson’s was a favorite stop when I had to walk into town for bread at the bakery (you could sneak a look at one of the nudist magazines unless Andy caught you). He had huge nickel candy bars that are a buck or more today. Those round loaves of bread (sliced at the bakery) never made it back intact.
    HHK Community Church was a major influence (Rev. G. Herbert Schneider died at 99 just a couple weeks ago) with Sunday School, Scouts and Explorers and the RECULSO Club Sunday evenings.
    The grammar school was a short bike ride down Hollywood and no one ever thought it was a problem for their kids to head off to school on their own. You parked the bikes in a space down a ramp and in under the gym. David Cassells arrived as a student teacher maybe in seventh grade (could have been sixth) and became full time…and by eighth grade was rumored to be going with Miss Marsellies. There was at least one sandbox inside the kindergarten room. We all had to take naps on little braded rugs.
    As I remember, Art the barber started as an assistant just after the war to Joe Viviano whose shop was just across the bridge. Joe listened to classical violins and Italian opera while he cut our hair.
    Dr. Chase was our family doctor with an office on Sheridan St.
    Jimmy Dench, whose brother owned several gas stations in town, was in our class. Dave Duffield (PeopleSoft) was a class behind us but had a wicked curveball and pitched on the “varsity” with Donnie Monroe. Our basketball team won most of its games lead by Pete Campbell (on to Princeton basketball) and Bill Madison (wore #2 at UConn basketball).
    The Andrew Sisters came to Ho-Ho-Kus (which means “cleft in the rock” from the Lenni Lenape by the way) in 1949 to sing the song on the back of their #1 hit Mellaguena (? spelling) which was “HO-HO-KUS, N.J.” “If you want to you can walk us to a town they call Secaucus, near Ho-Ho-Kus, N.J. For the fracus will be raucus when Ho-Ho-Kus meets Secaucus, in the big game today”
    It was a great place to grow up and has many, many fond memories for this 70 year old.
    Bud Sales HHK ’53

    • Bud, I remember you well. I was a few years behind you, graduated Ho-Ho-Kus 1955. My father, Harry Rose, was your Explorer Scout master. You probably remember his “bean hole beans” on your camping trips. I’m enjoying this conversation about our old town. Who would have thought it possible in the 1950s.
      Anna Rose LeBlanc

      • My father Herbert Hall with Mel Ott and Stew Thompson (Later Mayor of Ho-Ho-Kus) rejuvenated Scouting in Ho-Ho-Kus. Mel Ott was the first Scout master of the Boy Scouts. While in scouting I met Bud Sales for the first time. Also Chris Dorman.

    • “when the crocoust first awoke us”

      • yeah,i know. i spelled cro….(whatever) wrong. my dad used to play it on the piano. “i stopped into a movie and sat next to a queen who was every bit as groovy as the one on the screen”. the sheet music is surely still in the piano bench.

  22. Dear Janet M.,

    E-mail me at and in January I’ll send you a DVD of our Class Reunion. I’ll also ask my colleague how I can go about posting it.

    You’ll know some of my classmates and seeing the teachers again is a lot of fun. It’s great footage because that’s what I do professionally and I used a colleague’s network camera to shoot it. I expect to treat Dave Cassells to a viewing sometime in January.

    BTW, I might make some old fashioned Ho-Ho-Kus Indian softball jerseys next Spring. When I step up to a new desktop, I’ll send you a photo.

    May the Good Lord bless you and all your loved ones this Christmas,

    Jeff from HHK’s Class of ’68.
    (Voted by his own class as the least likely to reunite them!)

  23. Oh what wonderful, wonderful memories just came flooding back. I read every one of your posts. Beautiful!Here are some of my favorite memories..
    HHK class of 1970!
    After dinner you could always find something going on at the schoo; stick ball games, tennis, bball, the most wonderful playground for hopscotch. And we could bike or walk there, SAFELY.
    “The Woods” which was off of Hollywood Avenue (by the sledding hill) was a huge habitat to explore, paths, fields, and even a little creek.
    Painting all the windows of the shops down town at Halloween time.
    Stopping to visit Art the Barber, who ALWAYS had time to chat with us.
    The black and white cookies at the bakery and their seeded hard rolls, (yes the 7-layer cake was to die for!)
    The Quality Shop for friendship rings (going steady rings) They cost $1.05! The place we bought our first nylon stockings and garter belts!!!!!!!
    Muffsins:Full size candy bars were 5 cents!!! I remember when they went to 6 cents!
    Riding bikes up to Tices for their cider and donuts.
    Playing at the spooky Hermitage.
    Being able to walk to every single friends house.(even in the dark)
    Walking the trolley paths to RHS when we missed the bus.
    Field Day!!!!
    Just a few of my very special memories of growing up in HHK, USA, which i will forever hold dear.
    Thanks for sharing Yours!

    • what a perfect place to grow up! i graduated h-h-k #1 & only in 1970 also – with cathy and janet. i remember our little library that had every book i wanted. and the candy cane for lunch on fridays. kim got a vanilla shake, mary had strawberry, carol and judy had black&whites and i got chocolate! we took sewing lessons from a lady right next door to garden state farms and piano lessons from a lady on hollywood. i was a crossing guard stationed at the bike rack and we got to go to rye park in the spring. we got donuts every saturday morning from the bakery (i can still taste that 7 layer cake too!) and went to the dump with my dad in the afternoon. remember the purple beat?? it was a teen dance place over the police station! i worked at the h-h-k pharmacy for years in h.s. and college. my folks would never have considered using a shop outside of town, if there was one in town. i remember when they built the overpass and connected the other side of the highway to us. we went carolling every christmas. and trick-or-treated in the dark – which is against curfew now in my town. thanks everyone for sharing those wonderful memories! go blue and gold!

    • Cathy
      Fabulous memories. I am Bernadette’s Daughter, Billy’s classmate. Are you in Rhode Island? I have a son in Maine. You are straight on with the memories, although we span a decade. I worked in Andy’s.

    • Hi Cathy, My sister Barbara Hall was also in the class of 1970. She is currently living in Wyomissing, PA

    • Hello Cathy Woods!

  24. Wow, what brilliant comments!

    Thank you, Bud, Janet, Jeff, Cathy, Teri, and Carol for sharing your memories here. Teri, I also took piano lessons from Miss Takayama at the top of Hollywood Ave. She was a wonderful teacher as were the ones we all had at Ho-Ho-Kus school.

    And how great everyone loved the bakery’s 7-layer cake!

    So many great details and memories – cheers and thanks again, everyone.

    • I took lessons from Miss Takayama too! Carole Watters was her star pupil and preceded me in lessons; I had to sit there in Miss T’s living room and listen to Carole play flawlessly, which was kind of a bummer! Miss T. died a couple of years ago, in her 90s. I had kept in touch. She married her late mother’s doctor, and was Mrs. Iwamoto, but then her husband died.

      • Apologies to be interjecting as a stranger, but Miss Takayama (Mrs. Iwamoto) is alive and i believe fairly well, still in the same Ho-Ho-Kus home! She turns 99 this June of 2017 – fyi! I took lessons from her in the 60’s and 70’s (grew up in Ridgewood), and thought this should be clarified!

      • Thank you so much, Sue for your clarification! I know Miss Takayama/Mrs. Iwamoto lost her dear brother not too long ago, but I also believe she herself is still alive and well. We miss her dearly ever since we moved to Ohio in 2013.

      • Thank you Sue for your comment — how great to hear Miss T/Mrs I is still in Ho-Ho-Kus. I happen to be here this week and may try to get in touch. We all have such special memories of learning piano from this wonderful teacher.

      • Hello Chika Candice G., It’s so nice to know that you and others have such interest in Miss Takayama/Florence Iwamoto. But not surprising, considering she was/is so special! What a wonderful way she had with her pupils – a rare gift. Hopefully, other folks who posted about her here separately will also see this – especially Carolyn who, like you, made a general inquiry about her. My mother and sister, who live in Colorado, were keeping up with her by mail (letters with Christmas cards), but this dropped off somewhat until a recent letter. (I assume this means she’ll be writing to you again, if she hasn’t already!) We’ll be sending flowers for her June birthday (which I hope isn’t terribly redundant if she’s still actively gardening), and I’m hoping to pay her a visit if the situation allows. (I haven’t seen her in AGES – not since the 70’s.) All the best to you.

      • Carolyn, very glad you saw my first comment. Somehow i missed it before sending my 2nd comment! Well, perhaps you’ll let us know if you do in fact visit with Miss T. Best regards!

    • Oh, Carolyn, please do let me know how Florence is doing if you get to see her. I wrote another letter to her before Easter and have not received a reply; am worried…

  25. Thanks so much to all of you for bringing back such fond memories! Bud Sales and I were classmates so I related to the “war days” of dropping off not only cans of fat, but of flattened tin cans so they could be reused for the war machines. HHK Grammar School was unique in that it created bonds that, in my case, have lasted a lifetime! The teachers were the best from Mrs. Butz in Kindergarten thru Kurtz, Miller, Mozeleski, Duffield, Peacock, Risser and Cassells (surprise Opera singer is correct!). The old Bleachery is gone and replaced by a self-storage facility and business tenents. The old town hall by the brook is gone- replaced by a memorial park while the new town hall is now on the NE corner of Sheridan and Warren Aves.
    And finally, I believe we called the Sheridan Cafe “Schmonzees” (phonetically) – not sure of the spelling! Practically all I know who grew up there considered it a privelege!

  26. Bill M, thanks for your comment!

    It’s so true about the bonds created in Ho-Ho-Kus (and how well we all remember the teachers at Ho-Ho-Kus School! Mine were Madsen, Maass, Allen, Stout, Duffield, Peacock, Molzan/Maloney/Mercier, and – upstairs! – Bickell/Lutz/Van Orden, and Cassells :)). It was indeed a privilege to grow up there.


  27. Egad! The capillaries in my cranium are exploding! Billy Woods via Dennis Jud alerted me of this website. My mind has been playing slap tag with itself ever since.

    Where to start? Cherry cokes at Mufson’s where you got to witness up close and personal your shot of syrup. A warm glazed donut from the bakery. A French cruller from Smudgy’s (what we called that diner at the end, yes?) for a dime. The thick, yellow sweatshirts Simas ordered for you at the beginning of the school year. Wouldn’t you love one of those today? Rings you could buy at the Quality Shop for $1.10 to give to your steady before ID bracelets became de rigueur. Jack and Mrs. McElvoy at the Men’s Shop. A roast beef sandwich on a hard roll from Mueller’s. (Sorry, Vegans.) Receiving a “red dot” next to your name from Mrs. Mercier for impudent behavior. The list is endless.

    Joanne and I flew out from WA to attend my RHS 40th reunion and while there, drove down Sheridan Ave. on the day kids were painting their Halloween drawings on their designated storefront slots in front of their beaming moms. The tradition still exists. Where else in the world?! Where else in the world did kids grow up knowing the name of every town cop or have snowball fights with the one assigned to escort them across Route 17? I should note as well that while HHKers were at best 10 percent of the RHS population, we comprised a good third of the reunion attendees–and had at least that much more fun.

    On an earlier visit, when my mother still resided at our house on Washington Ave., the only house I ever knew as a boy, Joanne and I walked through the school. Though still wary to walk past Zeke’s office, I risked doing so to inquire why all the kindergarten furniture was being removed and, it turned out, replaced. 2 of these tiny chairs now serve as plant stands at our home 3000 miles away. And the 60’s postcard of downtown (which had to be taken on a Sunday) has hung on my office wall for 15 years. Half the students who espy it think it’s fake.

    Finally, I’m going nuts trying to determine who the Carolyn is who initiated this evocative website. (Who says nostagia ain’t what it used to be?) Tobin?

    Merry and Happy Everyone,

    Mike Darcher, HHK ’64

    • Mike, How cool that you have 2 of the kindergarten chairs! That is awesome. Besides the Halloween window painting, we had quite a tradition down your way in “the development” running from house to house collecting enough candy to overdose on sugar. WOWZA!

      I am wonder too, Is that Carolyn Ackerman, Felden? (The Tobin’s only girl was Cathy and she was taken from us way too early. As a law student she was in South Africa fighting apartheid and was murdered (assassinated) Probably about 1973.)

      Bot I sure could go for a piece of 7 layer cake from the HHK bakery. But then those of us on the other side of 17 also had a tradition of cycling all the way to Tice’s for donuts and cider!

      Hope all is well with you and yours, Sally Franz (now I live in Portland, OR)

      • so sorry to hear this of Cathy Tobin. I can still see us digging up root from that tree above the playground that we called a “Sasparilla tree” and trying to make rootbeer with it. We became friends when in that old grade school method of ‘lining up’, we were told “tallest in front” and for a brief period, our friends measured us daily for the first 2 spots. Clearly her stature and values surpassed mine and most as she matured.

    • My memories of Ho-Ho-Kus.

      OMG, where to begin?! There is the geographical place of Ho-Ho-Kus, and then there is the place of the heart that is Ho-Ho-Kus … all so inter-woven.

      First, the HHK Bakery … I remember like yesterday all the different loaves of bread … and the smells! … especially the round loaves … that they would slice up on the spot (remember that humming, vibrating racket as the arm of the bread slicer pushed those fresh, unsliced loaves past the blades?). I really liked the round ones for my bologna sandwiches! But those crumb cakes … the absolute best on the planet! I remember coming home in the late afternoons and buying a piece … almost always the powder sugar variety (you had to be careful not to inhale right before a bite!) … and occasionally having them slice it open and slab on some butter. What a sandwich! And their “hard rolls” (now known as Kaiser rolls) … another great opportunity for a butter sandwich … or on Saturdays, a sandwich (with lots of butter, of course) with the meats from Mueller’s Deli, especially their roast beef. Remember Alphie? I can still picture him standing there, waiting for whatever the hell I was wanting at that moment, with that glazed look in his eyes. Didn’t he have his hair pushed up and waxed in front?

      I remember Art’s haircuts. Wasn’t he an ex-marine? I always got the obligatory crew cut, but my brother Craig, and I think Brian, too, got flat-tops … cool. For a while, I did the wax thing in the front, too. God, that comb got gross!

      Mufson’s, which my brothers and I always referred to as “Andy’s,” was my go-to place for a Chunky, Baby Ruth or one of those paper “tapes” with all those little color coordinated candy dots running the its length in neat columns and rows, or to wait for a ride home (spoiling my dinner of course) on a dark, rain-drenched afternoon. One time, when we thought we could beat the timer for a ten-cent call, I called home and said, as fast as I could, “pick me up at Andy’s,” and hung up … waiting for my dime to come rolling back down that little slot. But the message was heard as “pick me up at Aunty’s.” So, while I was waiting downtown for my ride home, quite proud of my having out-foxed the machine, my mom was at my cousin’s on Hollywood Ave wondering where the hell I was!

      Ben’s Five and Ten. I can totally envision that shop … all the aisles with the different categories of stuff that someone else in this blog had remembered so well! My best memory is of buying a really cool “machine gun” squirt gun (with a rotating handle that when cranked sent out multiple squirts like a gatling gun) on lay-away. Every week I’d go over with my allowance and give it to Ben … and finally it became mine! I can clearly remember his smiling face and round glasses. Didn’t he have a gold chain around his neck keeping his glasses from getting lost?

      And I can remember Jack (can’t remember his last name either … did he even have one?), measuring me up for new chinos (he always pronounced them as “sheenos”) at the Men’s Shop. It was always so exciting going there for the next round of new clothes for the upcoming school season.

      I remember going to the Garden State store once in a while with my $0.35 allowance and buying seven ice pops (various flavors, of course) at five cents each. I’d race home on my bike with them dangling off my handlebars in that lunch bag sized “cooler bag” and put them all I the freezer, then savoring them one by one before our BIG black and white TV. (Can that be right … $0.35 allowance for a whole week?!?!)

      Then there was The Elmwood! A great spot then, and now a rather nice bistro. But, what was the name of the store over on Franklin Turnpike, around the corner from the Garden State, kitty-corner from the library? I remember the counter staff calling out regularly, “vanilla phos!” for a vanilla phosphate (soda). I thought I’d be cool, once, and said, “I’ll have a cherry phos” only to get a cherry frosted (milkshake like drink that cost a good bit more). When I told her I had ordered a cherry phosphate, she took it back and looked at me very disapprovingly! (I could probably pick her out today in a line-up!) Whatever this place was called, it was where I’d go on Sunday mornings with my church donation money and buy coffee and French crullers.

      Someone mentioned hockey. I remember Coles Pond (or was it “Colds Pond?”) up on the other side of the tracks, by a dam. Wasn’t there something up there call “the Bleachery?” That’s where I remember the ice getting really thin and where we tried desperately not to let our pucks go! We used our sneakers or wadded up t-shirts for goal posts.

      I also remember one winter … early spring, I guess … when lots of snow and ice from the prior winter started melting and gathered in a huge puddle at the corner of Gilbert and Glendon Roads. As night came, it all froze up again, and all the neighbor dads, and we kids trying to help, were out there the next day with ice picks and shovels to remove it all. The sense of neighborhood was amazing in those days, compared to my adult living situations. But that’s a whole ‘nother story.

      Then there were the mounds of burning leaves on those crisp autumn afternoons … remember the smells? They filled the entire neighborhood with the excitement of the oncoming winter and Christmas season … very cozy … fires in the fireplace, sweater-weather (before I defined it that way) and all … back when we really had winters in northern New Jersey! And the Memorial Day parades followed by “Field Day” at the HHK School soccer field: three-legged races, arts and crafts, etc. … lots of fun and excitement!

      Other memories include long Sunday dinners with family … and ice skating in our make-shift, back yard skating “rink” (2 x 4’s and a polyethylene tarp) with Claire-Marie Pope and others … the swimming hole at the bridge over the Saddle River … so much!

      On one of my recent visits to Ho-Ho-Kus, I actually got to go inside the house I grew up in at 22 Gilbert Rd. It was for sale and empty. What a hoot! I also visited several years ago, when someone was still living in it. The mom invited me in for a look and even made me a P, B & J sandwich for old time’s sake!

      What a place/time to grow up! We were all blessed as the beneficiaries of one of the greatest economic expansions of our time in an absolutely idyllic place. I hope we all remain grateful for that incredible start in our lives!

      Dennis Jud, HHK ’64

      • the candy cane! (coffee shop on franklin tpk) great burgers and chocolate milkshakes!

      • What memories. I love HoHoKus..graduated Class of ’53. All your comments are spot on. Hope to hear more of your blog.

      • I knew Clair-Marie as a little girl. Her mom and mine were best friends. My name was Gayle McDermott.

      • I worked at Andy’s as I called it and remember you coming into the store. But then you were driving and didn’t need a ride! I now live in SC.
        Lori Casey

  28. Mike, thanks for your comment and wonderful memories of Ho-Ho-Kus.

    It’s fantastic you have two kindergarten charis at your home in Washington! As the Aussies say, good on ya.

    I never knew the Men’s Shop Jack’s surname – thanks for that, too. And totally agree re the roast beef on a hard roll from Mueller’s Deli.

    I have the postcard on my bookcase in Sydney – great to know it’s on your office wall, too.


  29. HHF -’72–synapses engaged…..What about ” Stop the world I want to get off” headshop and dayglo poster emporium on maple, later the record store, or George Masseker’s Produce Shop with the 2 for a nickel pretzel rods, the barber shop that was on Maple right by the HHK brook bridge with the 10 cent coke machines (was that Art’s?), later Dominick and Pietros, the volunteer fire guys–what a scam the bar they had upstairs!, the sledding hill by the convent on Sheriden just over the border of Waldwick with bonfires and the deadly jumps and telephone poles at the bottom of the hill, the minibike trails just on the other side of the hollywood overpass, Cabbage night and our own Barnie Fife, Officer Burke–he brought me home numerous times with my minibike in the trunk because I was riding on the street around Brewster’s Pond, Powderhorn and Deerhill roads, catching an endless supply of sunnies at Brewster’s, camping at the park at Hollywood Ave and East Saddle River Road for opening day for trout fishing in April, smoking skunk cabbage, wandering the train tracks and flattening pennies, hanging out under the iron bridge heading up to the trains station, returning milk bottles at the Garden State Farms store for a little pocket change or for candy at Andy’s, the guy at Edgewood and Warren who’s son was a pilot and had the coolest cars who had two collies who always used to walk them around the school and they were such nice dogthe guy at Edgewood and Warren who’s son was a pilot and had the coolest cars who had two collies who always used to walk them around the school and they were such nice dogs, stickball on the boys locker room wall, the sassafrass tree that smelled like root beer at the bottom of the hill next to the tennis courts where we used to jump our stingrays, lunch at the sheridan–cheeseburger, fries and coke for .95, My Teachers, Mrs. Kurtz, Mrs. Mass, Mrs. Duffie, Mrs. Mozeleski, Mrs. Huban, (Homeroom) Mr. Maloney, Mr Molzan and Mr. Perry. The dreaded 600 that we had to run each year, “thats a little red dot for you Mr. Coughlin” from Mrs. Mercier for acting up in class (who me?)–the mythical spanking machine of Zeke’s and the affair he was supposed to be having with—I forget her name. Rummage Sales at St Bart’s–girl scouts and boy scouts there too. How about Coach Simo’s tumbling show with the mats sandwiching an intertube for the big flips and jumps, the annual pull-up contest, bombardment, saturday morning bball in the winter or the cheezy “Abbott and Costello go to Mars” movies also on winter afternoons in the auditorium, leaving the house at 8am on Saturday and not having to be home until 6 for dinner just going out to “hack around” and your mom could care less, I remember when Mr Brown got us the lights on the field for fall football, Addison Ave hill on deathtrap homemade gravity go-karts that led straight into Rt 17!, the traffic circle at Rt 17 and Racetrack Road and the accidents from the young drinkers heading south from NY state before NJ also went o 18 drinking age, …I’m was an ideal childhood and those are great memories!

    • LOL! Thanks for this Mark! Of course I remember it all as do my brothers Mitch and matt. It was fun wasn’t it? HHK Class of ’69

      • Holly: I just found this website and have been reading down through all the contributions. I was in Class of 69. I have thought back fondly on my years growing up there.Great memories remembered by all. Lost touch with everyone except Jay Wesley. He and I live in Los Angeles. This is a shot in the dark, but what the heck.
        Chris Roux

      • Chris, I remember when you were born! Our family (the Roses) lived around the corner on Ackerman, next to the Bergmanns. My parents moved to New Hampshire, eventually the B’s moved full time to the Cape. In 2014 I visited Ho-Ho-Kus for a reunion and drove around the neighborhood. To my surprise the area seemed LESS shady. I think the mature trees from our childhoods have gotten sick and died. They are replaced with smaller, younger trees.
        Anna Rose LeBlanc, Scottsdale AZ

      • Holly, I have great memories of your entire family & considered Mitch one of my best friends around 4th-9th grade & chose Matt as my Confirmation name. Hope u’r all well. I’m in the Ft. Lauderdale area since ’87.

    • Ha ha that was great Mark. In my mind’s eye I can still do a forward roll over 5 kids on their knees. LOL The HHK Rummage sale was epic, It’s where I got all mu dress up clothes. Remember the weird movie with the giant piano and the evil guy chases kids around the keys? And the cartoon with the pig who tried to steal a pie and was strapped into a machine that force fed him pies…and they say TV is violent now?

      Remember well the circle at RaceTrack rod, Road my bike all over Powderhorn, East and West Saddle River Road. I lived on Van Dyke so it was easy to get to the Park at Hollywood and East Saddle River. We even found arrowheads down there…it was like my backyard. And no one ever worried that I would be hurt as a small girl playing often by myself. I do miss those days.

      • Sally, did I know you? I grew up on Prescott Rd. Spent much of my time at Chestnut Ridge Riding Club. Graduated 1961 from RHS.

  30. In my earlier post on HHK circa 1953 I forgot to mention Mr. Mitchell (call me Mr. Mitchell until you’re 21) and his shop class for boys. I think the shop was across from the main office. He had all the tools, saws, drills and a lathe for us to make baseball bats, which most of us did, or lamps. And we all made cutting boards shaped like pigs for our Moms for Christmas. We all learned some degree of competence from those 7th and 8th grade shop classes but the most important lesson was to clean the shop after every class. Still sticks.
    I’d forgotten about sledding down Hollywood but also remember now when someone about half way down threw their coal ashes (many home heated with coal) out across the snow/ice on the road and ruined the sledding. I know Maddy and Scott Mason will remember that.
    There was a Victory Garden (abandoned after WWII) on Sheridan Ave across from Alan Rissler’s house. After the war we cleared it, leveled it, raked it and built a ball field there complete with a chicken wire backstop. If you hit it to right field you were out because right was too short. By ’57 it was two houses.
    Al ? Junta was a policeman who would pick us up on cabbage night and take us to the station where we had to sit in the electric chair (not to gentle shock-try that today) But we all tried to get picked up anyway. The cops were our friends and we knew them all by name.
    Phil Rizzuto, Allie Reynolds, Tommy Hendrik and Yogi Berra all came to our ball field at the school at one time or another and Donnie Monroe got a couple of fast balls by Tommy before he hit it into the woods in left.
    Our soccer and basketball teams were pretty good and we all played touch football against the teachers in 8th grade.
    And a few of us 8th graders were on the projector committee and got to run the projector when there were educational movies shown in the auditorium. We learned to splice film when it broke. On Saturday afternoons we had movies for a nickle that included a news reel, a couple of cartoons, a serial like “Don Winslow, US Navy” followed by a feature film-usually Laurel and Hardy or Abbott and Costello or every now and then an old western!!!
    And then there were the class plays. Everyone had a part and we did everything from Raggady Ann/Andy to Dicken’s “A Christmas Carol” and damn if I still don’t remember some of the lines from that one…
    Then there was the great flood of about 1950 (someone may remember the year), maybe October, when the dam up by the bleachery let go and the little HHK Brook flooded the town. Streets were flooded as far east as Blauvelt.
    Finally, in eighth grade we got tegether a petition asking the school to build tennis courts back in the woods and, much to our parent’s astonishment, they did. Some of you from later classes probably played on “our” courts.
    Bud Sales HHK ’53

  31. What a hoot! Like my brother, Mark, I find memories are flooding back about childhood in Ho-Ho-Kus.

    When they talk about how it “takes a village” to raise a kid, it sounds hokey – but it’s so true. One summer, my older brother, Chris, and his friend, Dave Calderini went off to Boy Scout Camp, leaving Debby Calderini and me as their substitute paper delivery squad. Chris has “trained” me on his route one day before he left. Needless to say, I made an absolute hash of the whole thing. The phones were ringing at Mulfsons ‘Where is my paper???” “I don’t get the Times, I get the Wall Street Journal!!”. You get the picture. Anyway, it was the first real money Debby and I had ever made and we were very proud. On our first pay day we wanted to spend some our loot. Debby selected some candy and a comic book. When she went up to the counter, John said, “Debby, I can’t sell you that stuff. Your mother called and told me you aren’t allowed to have comics or candy”. Talk about people looking out for one another’s kids! It was an amazing place to grow up.

    And, who can forget about Mr. Chicorelli’s dance classes!!! Remember our “yearbook” and the big 8th grade graduation party? Ours took place at the Officer’s compound – pool, indoor basketball court and all.

    Thanks for helping to bring back all these wonderful memories.

    Patti Coughlin ’68

  32. Mark, Bud, and Patti, thanks for the wonderful memories! It’s fascinating and amazing how much everyone remembers about our special town – these are really precious memories and I appreciate the details you’ve all contributed.

    Bud, so you were one of the projection guys 🙂 I remember so well how those of us in the lower grades looked up to those older boys who were given such responsibility. Good on ya 🙂


  33. I grew up in hhk during the 60’s and graduated in 1968. By the way I saw Miss Takayama working in her garden last March. My father used to take lessons from her and I told her of his passing. She is doing great and is 90 years old. I remember painting the windows of the merchants stores during Halloween and getting our pumpkins from Tice’s and Van Rypers farms. I was also a student of Mr. Chicorelli and came in first place in the Lindy dance competition. Lori Horne was my dance partner. I loved playing underneath the bridge among the ruins of the Zabriskie dam and hiking up to the bleachery- the site of the Rosencrantz mill. We would follow the old trolley transit line for miles. Riding our sleds at the Villa in the wintertime was a blast.

    Will always remember Rev Schneider baptizting me and
    my brothers and confirmation in the Community Church.

    I get back to hhk about once a year and look forward to the visit. The town holds a special place in my heart.

    Earl Goodrich ’68

    • Earl, I remember your name from HHK. I thought we graduated in the same class, but I thought it was “69? Anyway, seeing your name, along with Doug Manning’s, is certainly nostalgia for me. I remember Mr. Chicorelli’s dance class – he was a small guy with slick hair and clicking shoes when he walked, right? I was quite shy and a wallflower for sure, but I remember clearly the time Sal Furnari asked me to dance! Wow – I thought I’d arrived! Anyway, thanks for all your memories. I also remember riding sleds at the Villa and going to Van Ryper’s and Tice’s Farms. I used to love to stand in front of the donut machine and watch the dough drop into the oil and float around! To this day, the smell of fresh donuts always reminds me of that! I don’t get back often – I think it’s been 15-20 years. I get to NYC often, but never get a car and don’t want to bother with the bus. I suppose I need to go back, although I know I’ll be shocked. Anyway, thanks for your memories.

      Laurie McDermott Stewart

    • Mine too Earl! Holly Bogdanffy HHK Class of ‘^(

    • Earl – been a long time – we were class of ’69 and “across the street neighbors” on Ardmore Road. Laurie’s post, below, about the dance class is a hoot! Remember the snowball battles with Laurie and her immediate neighbors? We go through HHK enroute to update NY, New England and Canada (from Silver SPring, MD) for vacation trips. always stop at The Fireplace in Ridgewood (on 17 at Ridgewood Ave) for lunch and drive through HHK. Don’t know anyone who still lives in the area anymore. After my parents moved to FL in ’75 and then i graduated from Penn State in ’77 i totally lost contact with the HHK and St Joe’s high school groups. P’s passed away in ’11 and ’13, had moved to DE to be closer to me and sister Nancy (rehoboth DE) in ’06.

      Anybody remember the Dinky Toys that Mufson’s used to sell? I think they were $1-2 then …. i ended up collecting them during the 90’s and ’00s – now counting about 800 of the darn things! A special gift was a Dinky car or truck from Mufsons, and a 50 cents shopping spree on nickel candy bars.

      Art the barber did start at the barber shop on N. Maple ave, then opened his shop on SHeridan Ave in the late 60s, i think. As a Marine, he’d do haircuts for military for 1/2 price – something i valued when i was in ROTC.

      Bob Kaiser ’69

    • My father was in the same Bowling League as your father. I remember when he came home and told me that Earl Goodrich had bowled a 299. The alley gave him the pin that didn’t fall.

  34. Earl, thanks so much for your comment! I was so pleased to know you saw Miss Takayama last year and appreciate your sharing your other great Ho-Ho-Kus memories.

    I wonder how many of us learned the Lindy at the school dancing class!?

    Please accept my sympathy over your father’s death. I remember both your parents.

    Cheers and all the best..

  35. seeing this site reminded me of how generous art cook was. in 67 he was cleaning out a closit and came across a rusted dive find and two sammeri? swords .some time around that time i came into his shop for a shearing and he asked my mother if i could have them. i guess he cought my interest in history and the effemera on his wells. john houser bill pope and company where awe struck, major guy points.

    • Doug – I grew up on Prescott Road – Laurie McDermott. Seeing your name was nostalgia as my parents were the closest of friends with the Pope’s and I used to get rides home for lunch with Mrs. Hauser because my mother either forgot or was always late!! Anyway, I stumbled onto this website today and have added it to my favorites. Any chance the class of 1969 ever gets together for a “reunion” of sorts? If so, I’d really appreciate an email of anyone who might be an organizer of sorts. Hope all’s well with you and yours.

      Laurie McDermott Stewart

      • Douglas, Earl and Laurie! Such great memories and fond ones of you all. I am alive and well in upstate New York. I am still working at NYU Medical Center and have a great life with my husband and dogs! My family and I are all available on Facebook!

        Laurie, remember how we used to crack each other up in Mrs. Duffeilds 4th grade class? ; )

        Holly Bogdanffy-Kriegh, HHK Class of ’69

      • Hi Laurie,
        This is my 1st time on this site and I saw your note. I am your
        old friend Elaine Erickson’s sister. I was together with HHKs school friends this weekend and spent Saturday night on Prescott Rd at Ellen Molloy’s parents home.
        It is still a wonderful, children filled neighborhood.
        Cathy ’71

      • lauri – see my post above under Earl Goodrich’s. You dad was my father’s attorney for years and years. Good to see HHK and so many of the grads doing well. Maybe the whole town should do a reunion weekend!

        bob kaiser

  36. Doug, thanks for your comment and lovely memory of Art.


  37. Lovely comments and memories about that sweet place and time. I was back in Ho-Ho-Kus in 2008 to show my sons, now both in Pennsylvania. We had a lovely lunch at Janice, a Bistro. And in 2001 Steve Chase organized a reunion of our class of 1955. It was just right.

    Bud Sales, you were a little older than I, but I clearly remember that you were a member of my father’s Explorer troop. I’m sure you remember Harry B Rose and his paper drives, bean hole [baked] beans and ernest, character building, camping trips. Some people wondered why, with two daughters, he was committed to the boy scouts. I understood perfectly.

    It is remarkable how many of the contributors here remember Halloween window painting down town.

  38. Anna, thanks for your comment. How nice you went back to Ho-Ho-Kus with your sons.

    One of my childhood memories is the sound of the ‘loudspeaker’ on someone’s (maybe your father!) car every Saturday morning, driving up the street saying, ‘Boy Scout paper drive today. Please put your tied papers on the curb,’

    I too am amazed at how much we all remember — so fondly — the community Halloween window-painting contest.

    Cheers and thanks again for visiting!

    • Carolyn
      That could have been my father. He also promoted the paper drives in other ways. My mother was active in the Girl Scouts; Most of the town’s supply of Girl Scout calendars were stored at our house and while they were there Dad rigged up a rubber stamp to indicate the day of the Boy Scout paper drive on each page of every calendar.

      • Anna Rose, that’s so cool about your father ‘calling’ the paper drive — not to mention the stamps in the Girl Scout calendars!

        Such fun Ho-Ho-Kus history – cheers and thanks for your comment.

  39. Really enjoyed reading your blog about Ho-Ho-Kus. Even though I’ve only just moved to the area just about two years ago. I really love this little town with the odd name. Technically I live in Ridgewood but walk to the HHK train station each day and have the HHK brook in my back yard. Which can get actually sort of scary during a good down pour. I enjoyed reading about your memories of your growing up here. I often times have wondered as I walk through the town what it was like to have been here during the the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s . You would never guess one of the largest cities in the world was only 17 miles away. I can even see it from the HHK station during a clear winter’s night. Only thing I would change about it is the police here love writing tickets to people!

  40. James, thanks for your comment and impressions of Ho-Ho-Kus today. It’s great you love ‘our’ little town.

    I hadn’t realised you can see NYC from the train station – very cool!

    Cheers and enjoy.

  41. What great memories of HHK and Mufsons. Bought the first Superman and Batman comics there; wish I had kept them. lol. Similar thoughts of the Ho Ho Kus Inn and their Sunday brunches. Howdy Dick Wilson.

  42. Thanks for visiting and sharing your HHK memories, Mike. Mufsons definitely had good comics 🙂

  43. May 2010 update: I’m pleased to note that Mufson’s / Andy’s is no longer empty; there’s a children’s clothing shop there now.

    I’ve posted about this in ‘Downtown Ho-Ho-Kus 2010’ at


  44. I am a current student at Ho-Ho-Kus. I’m going into the fifth grade. I dont think that downtown hhk has rly changed. except ppl do grafitti in the gazebo and 3rd graders walk round texting. the teachers have changed in the school. We had many additions including a TV studio and a large cafiteria. i hope you will come to visit HHK agin!

  45. Grace, hi from Sydney and thanks for your comment.

    I’m so pleased to hear from a current Ho-Ho-Kus student. The changes to the school sound great and I do hope to get back there for a visit sometime soon.

    Good luck with your upcoming fifth grade year. I hope it’s very successfull and enjoyable.

    Cheers and thanks again for visiting.

  46. TONI:
    Me and my family live here. Wish there was still a five and ten. Krauser’s seems like the “modern-day” equivalent. It’s the candy store too. I bought a cap-gun there when I was little, but then I lost the caps. Then I found the caps, only to find I had lost the gun. Etc. But…yeah. Not much to say, besides the shops themselves I don’t think it’s changed all that much. Here’s what my sister has to say.

  47. Thanks for your comments and memories, Toni and Annie. Glad you like the photos of old Ho-Ho-Kus!


  48. You write Mufson’s “new Indian owner” — what is the value of including “Indian”? Are you merely being precise? What about the connotation or suggestion, intended or otherwise, and if intended, what was your intent? Is it more profound to you that the new owner is Indian as opposed to being Irish or Italian or German? Is Indian more “different” from old Ho-Ho-Kus? I find your detail here ‘interesting’ and hope that there are many Indian owners where you live now.

  49. Sara, thanks for your comment. I meant no offense by my post and apologise if it appeared that way. Yes, I suppose I was being precise. I think I would have indeed noted if the new owner had been Irish or Italian or German, or for that matter French or Japanese or Chinese or Australian. I think it’s fair to say Ho-Ho-Kus was — at least in my time, some years ago — extremely homogeneous, and there’s no connotation or suggestion beyond the factual one of noting that the owner of Mufson’s at the time of the referenced visit was of Indian descent, and yes, to me that was a notable difference from the Ho-Ho-Kus of my childhood.

    For what it’s worth, you may note I no longer live in such a homogeneous environment, by conscious choice. Still, for me, Ho-Ho-Kus was a wonderful town in which to grow up. Not everyone may seek as diverse an environment as I do; much if not most of the world live in fairly homogeneous environments or towns or cities, at least as far as I’ve seen on my travels in the U.S., Europe, and Asia. I love the diversity of Sydney and Paris, thus the name of my blog.


  50. I grew up in Ho-Ho- Kus what about krauzser’s (nee Garden State Farms) & the french restaraunt (nee Nancy’s Pizza & Family Pizza) on Sycamore Av?

  51. The reunion for RHS and HHK was great, smaller than in 2006 but noteworthy. Renee and I along with Debbie C and Cathy M visited your mom while there. I have a photo to share but am not sure how to upload. It is on facebook. Hope all is well.

    HHK is very well preserved. Bobbie and I had lunch in the old Sheridan cafe, it still has the same booths and counter stools. Wish you were there. Maybe next time.

  52. PS while were were in HHK, the windows of the store fronts were painted for halloween by the students, just like in our day.

  53. Ward, I think some of those places are still there, possibly with different names. Thanks for your comment!

    Janet, that’s great about the reunion and having lunch at the Sheridan cafe. I would love to join you next time for sure. And how GREAT the windows were painted for Halloween – I love love love that.


  54. I loved reading this article – I also grew up in HHK in the 70’s & 80’s. I miss the days that me and BFF would ride our bikes until supper time, the town where everybody knew everybody and gathered around the old firehouse and watched the tree lighting at Christmas. Thank you so much for this. Do you know where I might be able to purchase photographs of the town?

  55. Nicole, welcome and thanks for your comment and memories of Ho-Ho-Kus.

    I don’t know of where you might be able to purchase photographs — perhaps via someone at the Town Hall if you’re ever in the area and stop in. They’ve always been very helpful about everything!

    Cheers and here’s to HHK and everyone’s great memories of growing up there.

  56. What a read this has been! I moved from HHK after 7th grade- high school grad year of ’69. There are no friend memories like those of grade school, so this has been the reminiscence I’ve longed for, for years. Just wish I could see photos of those friends I remember so well and fondly. What a great town to wander on bikes and explore before the days of arranged play dates. That woods between Lakewood and Route 17 was massive to a kid. We had a club we called the ‘Bee Line Hike Club’ and we would go to the bakery for provisions (crumb cake) and point our compass up on the ridge across 17 and hike to something provocative like a huge brightly colored fall tree or an ‘enormous’ house. We had to cross everybody’s property in a beeline. Sigh. small town America – how great. I live in Oregon but come to NYC for any plan I can hatch. I’m still reliving my mom taking me into the city for theater ‘hooky’ days and those were the days of Camelot, Bye Bye Birdy. I remember seeing a very young Carol Burnett in ‘Once Upon A Mattress’. I brought my daughter back a couple of years ago to show her the places from my stories: the sewer pipe at the bottom of Ackerman Ave. that we walked up the hill inside of and into which one of the Durkee boys dropped a firecracker while we were in it – brilliant mischief on his part…and of course the Hermitage and it’s spooky stories – we once made a chocolate cake and took it right to the door and met Mary Rosencrantz and she politely accepted the cake and turned us cheeky 10 yr-olds away. First ‘date’ of my life was on those school tennis courts with Jeff Bolton (and my Dad watching the rite of passage).
    favorite people: Jessica Chase, Sally Franz, Barry Welker, Patty G…many more. I would sure love to see a yearbook…
    Thanks for all these words and pictures.

    • Kris, Where in Oregon? I just moved to Portland. I would love to re-connect!!! I missed you after you left, but letters just didn’t cut it the way FaceBook does. :0)

      I think I dated Jeff after you did…he was a notoriously great kisser. (And since that’s all we did…he was a pro). What ever happened to Kit Reilly? And Peter Chadwick???

      • Sally, I answered up the blog aways before I saw this. (What a thing you have done, Miss Carolyn! I think you are getting a lot of love and appreciation sent your way from points of the globe!)
        Well, Jeff was a ‘tennis date’, you had all the fun apparently! You would have to tell me of K. Filey (not to be confused with wonderful Wendy Reilly) – but I can take P. Chadwick, who I think moved away one (?) year before me. We ended up in the same class at New Trier H.S. on the north shore of Chicago! I think he is in banking – he certainly had that energetic…at the 40th reunion 2 years ago.
        Do you remember practicing in Jeff Bolton’s basement to sing a Peter, Paul and Mary song in a Hootnanny at school? Ahh, the influence of Dylan and ‘the Beats’ in The Village…right out to our lil’ grade school. Do you know what happened to Barry Welker? I loved his humor and would have liked to be friends for years…I have a memory, that I love, of him walking home from school with me and pointedly asking if he could ‘carry my books’ – so I was feeling a little 4th or 5th grade version of ‘breathy’ at the idea of – what, a courtship ritual? Well, 20 steps later I see he has no books and a blank expression – he’d given them a lateral pass into a snow bank, pretty much immediately (…kind of like Otter hanging up Dean Wormer’s wife’s coat in Animal House) Gotta love a young boy who thinks like that.
        I shall find you on Facebook.

    • FYI: You all can reach me on Face Book as Sally Franz (I am the one with pink, green and blue confetti coming out of my head). Or e-mail me at

      Thanks for this site Carolyn.

  57. If possible, please send your e-mail address and I’ll enclose 3 photos of the old Chestnut Ridge Stables along with a note about some teachers from the 60’s and 70’s.

      thanks, Jeff.

      • Jeff, I would absolutely love some photos of Chestnut Ridge Stables and updates on teachers. This has been an amazing find for me as HHK still is in the forefront of my memories. I graduated with the Class of 1969 and went to RHS for one year before being transferred across the country. My email is – name Laurie Stewart (McDermott) Thanks for anything you can send.

    • I would appreciate some pictures of the stables. I can just barely remember them. There was a famous horse that died in that fire. Wasn’t Roy Rodger’s horse Trigger?

      • Hi Bill, I was there and watched the Firemen trying to put out the fire. I saw the police shoot the horses that were badly burnt to put them out of their missery. We also knew each other. Herb Hall

    • Cool, that was near where the Shattucks lived and there a few houses down from there. I think you got there off of Chestnut Ridge Road. I know we all biked around there when we were doing a loop that ended at the Gutszells for snacks.

      • Sally,

        It’s Connie Shattuck…I remember the night of that fire like it was yesterday. We were still living on the East Saddle River Rd when the stables burned. But, my father heard all the sirens and fire trucks and we followed them. We moved into the house on Mill Road shortly thereafter.

        So wonderful to follow everyone on this site!

    • Hi Jeff. I rode at Chestnut Ridge for ten years until it burnt in 1960. Truly the worst day of my life. Did you ride there? Did you know Corky, one of the trainers, or Mr. Burns. Love to talk with you,

      Gayle McDermott Farmer

    • Jeff and all in this thread: I am so happy to have found this discussion. Although I lived in Teaneck, not Ho-Ho-Kus, I took riding lessons ($3.00 an hour!) at Chestnut Ridge Stables in the late 1950’s. I learned to post there on a grey pony named Bluff. I cried when my parents told me about the fire.

  58. Kris, hello and thanks so much for your wonderful comment and Ho-Ho-Kus memories — all so precious and very much appreciated!

    You have so many wonderful details — the Bee Line hike club sounds magnificent — and of course those trips into NYC — you sound much braver than I was, though since I’d never go inside a sewer pipe. Good on ya 🙂

    Cheers and thanks again for your commet and memories. Hope you get back to Ho-Ho-Kus again soon.

  59. I also grew up in Ho-Ho-Kus in the ’60’s. These entries and photos bring tears to my eyes – finally I have found some people who know what a wonderful little town this was and what a wonderful place to grow up in. I remember Muffsin’s with the glass shelves and getting an ice cream cone with “jimmies” on it. The bakery was amazing – the jelly donuts, the 7 layer cake but most of all I remember the Crumb Cakes, both glazed and sugared. Ben’s 5 & 10 was amazing, and I too can visualize the whole place in my mind’s eye. I can’t remember the little diner next door, on the very end of the shops. I remember finally being old enough to “walk downtown” for lunch at Andy’s. HHK was a safe place where you could leave the house on your bike in the morning and not come home till dinner and no one would worry about you. We explored the little brook and on and on. I lived on Prescott Road, so we were close. Anyone remember the Maple House where you’d go for ice cream cones?

    I’m thankful for finding this website and indulging myself to repeat what everyone has already said. I haven’t been back in years. I graduated HHK Public with the class of 1969 and moved to Seattle in 1971. I have never forgotten Ho-Ho-Kus. Who could?

  60. Hi,

    I came upon this site after googling hohokus bakery. When I was a little kid, in the late 60’s, my grandmother worked in the bakery. I know she worked there quite a number of years. I’ll have to ask my mother and check back in here 🙂
    I’d be interested if anyone who regularly shopped in the bakery knew my grandma. Her name was Arlene Finch. She retired in the early to mid-70’s. My personal favorite was the chocolate chip cookies. Of course the 7 layer cake was excellent too. I also loved the seasonal (Christmas) cookies- sprigerle (ie? Ey?) a thick, white, rectangular cookie with various christmas images on them. I’ve never seen them anywhere else.

    • My family’s all time favorite was the pecan frosting breakfast ring. We had that for every major occasion. (Thanksgiving, Christmas, 4th of July).

      When my step-Dad passed away one fall down in Florida my sister and I brought on the airplane (you can tell how far ago this was) 2 jugs of cider from Tices and 3 pecan rings from the HHK Bakery to take to the wake. I remember because the guard at security said to my older sister (who was pretty flat chested) “Lady, you’re gonna have to put those jugs up on the table to be inspected.” I whispered to her “That’s the best compliment any guy has ever paid you. Maybe you should show him your buns , too” She laughed so hard she wet her pants.

    • Chris, I do indeed remember your grandmother, Arlene. I am the oldest daughter of Fred and Rose Wagner who owned the HHK Bakery starting in 1959 for many years until their retirement. She was one of the beloved “girls” who worked to serve the customers, sell great goodies, take orders by phone, fill them for pickup, stock the shelves, clean, and take care of the front. They all got along and supported each other over the years through great times and personal challenges.
      Daddy was in the back with the other bakers and all around cleanup man during the night baking and into the day until everything was done for the day. It was indeed a great way to grow up.
      This site which my sister, Maryann led me to is just fantastic. Thank you all for the shared memories.

  61. What brilliant comments! THank you, Kris, Sally, Laurie, Holly, and Chris.

    Laurie, I do indeed remember the Maple House and going there for ice cream! The little building was an Enterprise Rental Car agency for a long time and I think it may be a bank now (?) – will check on next trip!

    Chris, I’m sure most of us would remember your grandmother, if not by name then by face — if she was at the Bakery in the 1960’s. I can nearly picture one (or two?) very kind women who worked there. And ahhhh yes, the chocolate chip cookies! My favourite too (after my always-requested bday 7-layer cake). And Sally, the pecan rings were a special treat for us, too.

    Thanks again for the great comments and memories. Kris and Sally, hope you’re able to connect in Oregon 🙂

    Cheers all.

  62. Speaking about the Ho-Ho-Kus Bakery, circa 1957, the BEST thing was the round bread they baked. It fit perfectly with a slice or two of baloney. I was often sent to town to get a loaf (from Fairlawn Street) and, damn, if that bread wasn’t missing an end crust by the time it reached home. They also had some sort of spice cookie complete with raisins and candied fruit pieces. I’ve never found their equal… It was just up from the Grand Union where they picked the orders while you waited at the counter. They had long sticks with hand activated “grabbers” at the end to get stuff off the higher shelves. We delivered bacon fat saved in cans there during WWII. And when we went there or the bakery as kids they would pull the little order and just put it on the family account. Imagine that today.
    Fairlawn Street was just the right distance from Ho-Ho-Kus Grammer School for riding your bike to and from school. The bikes were stored in a space down a ramp below the gym. There were 39 kids in the graduating class of 1953. Many of us guys played 3-a-cat (baseball without teams ’cause there weren’t enough kids to go around), basketball or touch football until dark almost every day. There were a number of Yankee players living in or near HHK who would drop by the school baseball field. We knew Yogi Berra, Allie Reynolds, the Scooter and Tommy Hendrick who was once struck out by our own Donnie Monroe ’53. Of course Hendricks also once lost our only “good” baseball in the woods behind left field. When we broke one of our few bats, it was in play again the next day with screws and glue holding it together.
    HHK was a wonderful place to be a young kid in the late forties and early fifties. We had a very active boy scout/explorer program that most of the boys were in and a wonderful youth church group at the Community Church called the RECULSO Club which met on Sunday nights and was well attended by both church and non church kids. The scouts would take off for a one week “High Adventure” trip for cmaping/canoeing/fishing in the Adirondacks or Canada each August. It was generally the high point of the summer.

    • Hi Bud, I believe I remember you from my Scouting days…I was in the HHK class of 1956. My father, Stew Thompson and Mel Ott rejuvinated scouting in HHK. They collected $50.00 from each father who wanted their sons in scouting, alot of money at that time. I hope things are well with you. Herbert Hall

  63. Bud, your memories are so wonderful! Thanks again for sharing them here.

    You have a great way of bringing our beloved Ho-Ho-Kus to life — I hadn’t realised those famous baseball players visited the school field 🙂

    Cheers and thanks.

  64. Thanks to Amanda’s comment on my ‘Magic Triangle – Ten Ho-Ho-Kus Houses’ post, I’m attaching a link to an August 15, 2011 article, “The #1 Town: Ho-Ho-Kus”

    Ho-Ho-Kus is reported as the #1 town in New Jersey Monthly’s 2011 Top Towns survey:

    Thanks again, Amanda! Cheers.

  65. I love this blog!! Growing up in HHK is not just where I grew up but apart of who I am. I lived on Carlton Ave and was lucky enough to be able to ride by bike to “Steve’s Candy store. Then hit the bakery for a black-n-white cookie!! Memories of hanging out at the falls after long bike rides all over town. Going to the best school ever and be able to witness the new gym being built. This was the town I wanted to raise my child in. Unfortunatly I live in NC now but my X liked my dream so much, he is doing that. My HHK friends and I still keep in touch and share great memories. Love reading others we all have a connection.

  66. Dennis J, thanks for taking the time to share so many great memories of Ho-Ho-Kus – appreciate your long and evocative comment!

    Teri, good on ya re remembering the Candy Cane!

    Janet, welcome and thanks for your comment too and here’s to your class of ’53 🙂

    Nicole, welcome also — weren’t all those bike rides the best! We’re visiting NJ and just drove my mom past HHK School today. It still looks much the same – a wonderful place.


  67. One of the customers on my late 60s ‘Record’ paper route were the Wagners, who owned the bakery. On collection days, I had to go to the Bakery to get paid. My tip was always one of their giant chocolate chip cookies! Even though it wasn’t the biggest tip on the route, it’s the one I remember the most.

  68. Ron, thanks for sharing that — I think those giant chocolate chip cookies from the HHK Bakery were one of life’s all-time best treats ever. They are definitely part of my memories of the bakery, and how great you got them as a tip for your ‘Record’ paper route! Perfect!

    We were just in the area visiting my mom and she still subscribes to the Record 🙂


  69. I cant put into words what this site has done for me. I grew up in HoHoKus in the 60’s , and the pictures and descriptions are perfect. The worlds greatest store, the 5 and 10. Art the Barber. The 7 layer cake I would die for now. Holy Cow. The Community Church and the school. How many people had Mrs Madsen for kindergarten? The worlds single greatest day ever, Memorial Day, with the parade, and field day at the school. If you won a race, you got a gold cup, second, a silver cup. Between events get a hot dog from the scouts. So many memories. Thanks for bringing them back, and hello to my old friends. God bless

  70. William, hello and thanks so much for your wonderful comment. Another Mrs Madsen pupil here 🙂 and the seven-layer cake was my favourite.

    It’s so true about Memorial Day — the parade and then field day! I remember those gold and silver cups and am sure everyone else does, too.

    Thanks again to everyone for the comments and memories.

  71. I will never forget the sliding glass doors at Mufson’s, and all the beautuful wooden shelves and cabinets there. Also, frosted crumb buns at the bakery and shopping at Ben’s 5&10. I can’t believe we had an open campus at school where they would let us out to go home or down town. We would always go to the Sheridan Cafe or the Candy Cane. Do you remember when lunch hour was? 11:40 to 12:40. That is Steve Fisher and his uncle in the post card photo – all the way to the right of the Sheridan Cafe. So great that you created this site! Best, Mike

  72. Hello Mike — welcome and thanks for the great comment! Mufson’s sliding glass doors and wooden shelves really were the stuff of great memories.

    Yes I remember the bells going at 11:40/11:45 and then we were back an hour later, after walking home (or downtown) for lunch! I still wonder how all our mothers did it.

    Take care and thanks for the identification on the post card photo. Cheers.

  73. The horse that died in the Chestnut Ridge stable fire was Tango Tilly. She was showing at Madison Square Garden at the time. I remember seeing her in the pen. Tears were running down her face since her blanket caught fire and she was badly burned. She was later shot. We took riding lessons with Rusty while living on the edge of the stables.
    I only lived in Ho-Ho-Kus four years yet all of my favorite childhood memories are from there. My brother Jeff and sister Sulyn and brother John Whitman lived there after I moved to Ft. Lauderdale to live with my father.

    • Hi Jan, yes, Tilly died in the fire. I used to work for her owner, but I can’t remember her name. When you’d enter the main door, I swear, Mrs. Seminski(?) had that little left side aisle, four stalls on each side, a huge personal tack room and a turn-out area of her own. An Irish guy called Tom was the main groom for that part of the barn. Wonderful memories.

      My name was Gayle McDermott, and I had to have known you, as I lived there, lol.

      Love to chat!

  74. Hi Everyone, I am a 20 year resident of HHK (I know, a newbie) and stumbled upon this post/blog. I also live on the sight of the stables.

    I’d love to hear all about HHK through your eyes, especially because my husband and I are owners of the beloved Ho-Ho-Kus Inn! Look up my business email address on the website. Fondly, Laurie

  75. Hello Laurie, and thanks SO MUCH for your comment! I’m absolutely thrilled to have the owner(s) of the Ho-Ho-Kus Inn here 🙂 And how cool you live where the old stables used to be.

    Will definitely have a meal at the HHK Inn on our next visit. It looked great last time we were there (May). Such a historic venue and wonderful it’s still going strong.

    Thank you again and all the best for much success in Ho-Ho-Kus. Cheers.

  76. How wonderful to read anecdotes from everyone here! Barbara Anderten . . omg! Hope other former classmates (Ingrid Johnson – remember when we went to her house on a class trip after she and her family moved out of HHK – Diane McKenna, Carolyn May, Bruce Georgi, Tommy Chase, Alan Read to name only a few) see this site and chime in! Loved seeing Brian and Dennis Jud’s names . . how’s Craig? And let’s see . . former neighbors . . the aforementioned Alan Read, the Chittenden’s, the Blanchfield Court Kelly’s and the 196 North Franklin Turnpike Kelly’s (moved from Bernard Place which is the street my son Scott Kuenzel and his family live on today!), the Ziegler’s,; again, to name a few. Also loved reading about all the different stores downtown! Believe Jack Ariens was the owner of the mens’ store. And how about Mr. Steinweiss at the Towne Pharmacy?!! Does anyone remember Helen Strayer’s little shop? I remember buying Ginny Doll clothes there as soon as I saved enough allowance! Think her store was to the right of where Art’s was. My family moved here in January 1951 so I was the newbie in Mrs. Madsen’s class. How awed was I when I found out that she lived so close to Betsy Beers?!! Look forward to reading more from you all!

    • Hi, Also George Matheson had the little vegetable store just past the pharmacy. My sisters Janet in Nyantic, CT & Barbara in Wyomissing, PA are doing well. I am currently living in Nuernberg, Germany. I was in the Ho-Ho-Kus class of 1960. Herbert Hall

    • Wow! Betsy Meringer! I’m the youngest of the 6 Kelly kids from 196 N. Franklin Tpke. Your brother Billy & my brother, Michael, were best friends. We moved to AZ in 1972. I remember everything everyone has written about. Ho-Ho-Kus was the best place to grow up. Does anyone remember Mr. Molzan & how he always smelled like oranges, since he ate them daily for lunch!

      Responding to comments from:
      Cathy Woods — Mary was my best friend growing up. I remember many a night I stayed at your house. I was crushed to hear about Mary.

      Cathy Erickson & Ellen Molloy– Hi Guys! Remember me?

      • hi christine! i would love to get in touch with mike. he was one of my favorite friends growing up in ho-ho-kus. i loved your rope swing! we are having a hhk’70 reunion this summer and i’d love to find him. please tell him teri pfann wants to say hi!

      • Hi Teri,
        I’d love to hear more about the HHK reunion this summer. E-mail me: I’ll be talking to Mike this weekend & I’ll tell him also.

      • WOW! hi chris. so many memories of our little neighborhood in hhk. so much to say. can you catch me on facebook?

      • Christine I remember sleigh riding down that great hill in the back of your house with Billy Meringer and the other kids from Blanchfield Court. If my memory isn’t defective I think your family had a player piano in the house which fascinated me. I remember ‘playing’ the song ‘More’ on that piano.

      • Yep, that was us. I thing “More” was the most played roll on that piano!!

      • i can picture that room and the piano! it was so cool!

    • Yes I remember the little shop which sold the Ginny dolls Gwinnett dolls and dolls with costumes from around the world. ( little Madame Alexander dolls). It seemed to me then it was very small and darkish. I did not go in often at least not as much as Ben’s and other stores. How about the a & p near the bridge on maple ave. It was very small and had wooden floors. Remember the shops along maple ave. A pet store. A coffee shop and others across from kings. Up a little way before the maple house or right near it were more shops on both sides of the street. Oh btw the coffee shop was owned by Jimmy engages family. What a great place to grow up. I lived next to the race track before it became the development. My street was Lincoln ave. Then became racetrack rd. Graduated from hhk 1960 . Mrs Madison Mrs Schmidt kindergarten. First gradeMiss Melville ?? ?=2. Mrs Christie 3 miss fielding 4 Mrs peacock 5 6 was Mr Maloney.? 7 Mrs bickell but before she married. 8 Mr cassels. Mrs Lutz for art. Before and after she married. Early on. Miss Fritz taught music. I remember the bitter taste of the tonette. And remember getting a fountain pen to learn to write cursive Mr Gruber ran shop class. Mrs Jackson home ec.

      • bbade – some great memories and names – thank you!

        It’s incredible how much the HHK Public School teachers influenced all of us and how we remember them so well — what a great group.

        Cheers and happy 2014!

  77. Not sure if this is mentioned anywhere but Wines & Spirits used to be an A&P when I was really little (early 1960s). Also, remember the record shop across from the pharmacy by Wines & Spirits and the Party House across from Sicilian Sun?

  78. Mike, hello and thanks for your comment! I do remember that was an A&P (though I can’t recall my mom ever going in there). And yes yes yes the Party House!! How could we forget that 🙂

    Thanks for the Ho-Ho-Kus memories. Cheers.

  79. Hi everyone! My wife, son, and I have lived in HHK since April 1971. We have enjoyed our life here, but when I was working full-time, I didn’t have much time to enjoy things around town. Been retired since 1999 and as a result I’ve been volunteering in a number of activities…CERT (, VFW Post Commander since 2005, etc.
    Speaking of the VFW, we are looking for pix of the area where the Post is located on Cliff Street and Brookside Ave. before the parking lot was laid down in 1966. Pix especially of the cemetery would be appreciated. Originals will be returned after scanning. Call 201-445-1121. See also Thanks very much and it great to read all these postings!

  80. I was in the HHK class of ’58 and RHS ’62 and lived on Enos Place in the house where my father was born. My grandfather was mayor at one point, long before I was around, and my grandmother was one of the women who started the library. We moved away right after high school graduation, and I have never again put down such deep roots as I had there. All your wonderful memories are mine too – Andy’s, Schmunzie’s (sp?), the bakery where we would get chocolate eclairs or those pretty little petit fours, roller skating on the sidewalk in front of our house, playing baseball in the street, playing hide and seek all over the neighborhood, the Memorial Day Parade and field day – all of that is very much a part of who I am today. As Executive Director of our local Chamber of Commerce here in SW Ohio, I tried to get our Main Street merchants to have a Halloween window painting contest, but they never would. How many people it would have brought to their shops! Remember going to the shop room at school for the powdered paint? We took it home in brown paper bags and mixed it with water in Mason jars. This past September I attended my RHS 50th reunion and it was wonderful to reconnect with so many old friends, particularly Judy Beery Carter, Susan Buckles, Barbara Harding, Diane Serra, Peter Everson and Alan Clemens. I’ve also been to see Kem Maclennan Murch in Canada. When we shared our memories of growing up in that very special place we flew back through the decades and were those happy kids again.

    • Hi Anne, Dick Bentzel, your neighbor, was one of my best friends. Sometimes your brother John was with us. I am still in contact with Dick and his brother Paul. It is nice to hear from people who grew up in Ho-Ho-Kus. I was in the class of 1956 Ho-Ho-Kus and the class of 1960 RHS. Herbert Hall

      • I remember you, Herb. Have you been following Dick and his wife on Facebook? They are just back on this side of the Atlantic after a sailing trip they’ve been on for more than a year which took them to England, France, the Netherlands, Spain and probably more. Just the two of them on a sailboat. Dick always was an outdoorsman.

      • Hi Anne, Yes I know about Dick and Moira’s sailing across the Atlantic Ocean we spoke many times on SKYPE together while he was in England, Holland etc. I live in Nuernberg, Germany, but we never did get together during his trip. We got all the Equinox updates from his daughter Meghan about his daily progress on his return trip. Nice to chat with you…Herb

    • My goodness, the flashbacks triggered by the mention of my old HHK friends such as Alan, Peter, Barbara and Diane, whether they were on “this” or the “other” side of 17, are far too strong…they trigger images and smiles from Dave Buck, Kenny Harvey, LLoyd Simpson, Jack Edwards, Sibby Eisenhauer, Billy Kinsella, Peter Stephenson, Ed Haffer, Cindy Mortenson and my list goes on and on and on. Barbara, Sibby and Bob Lefebre and I were “at the hop” and dating through Grades 7 and 8. S. Alan Reade HHK ’58

  81. Stanley, hello and thanks for your comment. Would be wonderful if it results in your getting some good VFW/Cliff St. pictures!

    Anne, what a wonderful comment – thanks so much for all your memories! The Halloween window-painting contest was the best, and yes I’m sure we all remember getting that paint from the shop room! Precious memories indeed. And how great you reconnected with so many friends at the RHS 50th reunion.

    Herbert, thanks too for your comment. I’m in your sister Barbara’s class, I believe — and your other sister Janet used to babysit for me and my brother once in a while, I think – as did your grandmother!?

    Cheers and thanks all for the HHK memories.

  82. Carol,
    I was walking back to my room at school where I teach high school math and coach baseball. Suddenly, the thought of Doug Manning hit me. I said to myself, “I wonder what he is doing these days.” Google, Doug Manning, and Ho-Ho-Kus and suddenly, magically, I’m 12 and looking at candy in Mufson’s, thinking about slidng those glass doors back. What great posts you have and of course it wasn’t long before I found Doug’s posts and lots of others from names I haven’t thought of in the longest time.
    Hope all is well in the down under. Growing up in Ho-Ho-Kus in the 60’s was about as good as it could get for a kid. I am forever thankful that I lived in such a nice place amongst so many nice people.
    Even though I see Eleanor quite often and we mention you, I
    had never seen a picture of your son. My, in him I see you brother Robby. Quite a blessing for you and your Mom.
    Off to the batting cages and practice, but it sure was nice to visit Ho-Ho-Kus first.

    John Crowers

  83. John, hello and thanks from the bottom of my heart for your comment.

    What a joy to read your thoughts and memories — even though you were(one of) Eleanor’s pesky younger brothers! and I have many fond memories of you and Richie. Words seem inadequate to express my appreciation … my mother still adores your mum and says she’s ‘one of the dearest friends I ever had’ and we send deep sympathy over your father’s death last year.

    Love that you teach Math, my favourite subject 🙂 I do keep up with you and your family via your sister. Take care and thanks again for your comment, and your words about Robby.

    And wasn’t it magic, sliding those glass doors back at Mufson’s … cheers.


  84. Let’s not forget Art the Barber. I started with him circa 1957; the last haircut I got from him was for my wedding in 1986, when I moved out to Pittsburgh PA.

    When I started with him, his hobby was scuba diving and his shop was filled with related stuff. At some point he decided that was too dangerous, and he took up skydiving!

  85. rj, thanks for the memory of Art — also mentioned in a number of comments above! Amazing how many (guys) remember him. Very cool re his scuba diving hobby — and skydiving – yikes.

    Cheers and thanks for your comment.

    • Art came to the community about 1955 as an assistant/apprentice to Joe Viviano who barbered in his little shop for several decades before Art arrived on the scene. Sometime before 1960 Art bought Joe out when he retired. Joe had a small record player in the shop which continually played classical violin music. I was at HHK grammar school when I begangoing to Joe and was very happy to make the change to Art (muscles and tatoos) who seemed much more attuned to the younger set. My recollection was that Art was a veteran of the navy.
      Bud Sales HHK ’53

      • Art was in the Marines in Korea and has been a member of our local VFW Post 192 for decades. He sold the business to a young couple who have a hair salon there now and Art has since retired completely. He no longer needs to ride his motorcylce to work and now it’s just for pleasure!

  86. That’s good news! Wish him well from the Juds!

  87. Thanks Bud, Stanley, and Dennis for your comments.

    Stanley, that is indeed good news about Art and I know everyone who has commented here and no doubt many, many more send him thanks for the great memories and all best regards.


  88. I too grew up in Ho-Ho-Kus and loved reading this and all of the comments. We were all so fortunate to have such a wonderful place to be our home for our childhood!

  89. What a fun trip! A childhood friend from Ho-Ho-Kus, Gerry Szal, told me about this blog, so I thought I’d drop in. I was in Ho-Ho-Kus last October while visiting my sister, and was struck by how really true that adage is, “the more things change, the more they stay the same.” I could still buy a hero sandwich and sit by the brook watching the autumn leaves sail to Waldwick. I could still pick up a bottle of wine for dinner at Wines & Spirits World, where I worked as a high school kid. Carlo’s son, Chuck, now runs it. And I could STIll remember my way around the Heights in Ridgewood, across the tracks. It was the best of all worlds for a kid growing up in the 1960s…safe, nurturing, but only a train-ride away from the big bad city. Thanks for the walk down memory lane, Carolyn.

    By the way, for those of you who went to St. Luke’s Grammar School, I created a web site for our class reunion in 2006…you might get a kick out of it. See below for the web address.

    Brian Van Lenten

    • hi brian-
      i remember working with you when i was at the pharmacy! we had a lot of fun those days. i’ll have to visit chuck at the liquor store. ho-ho-kus was such a wonderful place to grow up!
      teri pfann zimmerman

    • Hi Brian – You & my brother “Rabbit” both worked at Wine & Spirits, but I think Rob broke too many bottles & wasn’t there long! When we all get together & reminisce you & Artie Lizza & Chris Coughlin come up in conversation. Just like we were all sitting around that big dining room table on Franklin Tpke. Hope all is well with you.

  90. St. Luke’s Grammar School Class of 1966


  91. Suzie, hello and thanks for your comment! We were indeed fortunate and I appreciate your stopping by.

  92. Brian, thanks for the comment and memories — all appreciated. Ho-Ho-Kus still seems much the same today 🙂

    That’s great about the class reunion site. I also tried the link with no luck, so hope you can resubmit it as I’m sure many former residents would love to access it.


  93. This blog is going great with all the memories of past and current residents! Because of the many entries, I just want to reiterate our veterans’ request that we are looking for pix of the area where our VFW Post is located on Cliff Street and Brookside Ave., before the parking lot was laid down in 1966. Pix especially of the First St. cemetery would be appreciated becasue since 2005 we are working on an historic project about it as well as maintaining it to the best of our ability. We also are planning to make some changes to make it more like it was in the early 1900s. Originals will be returned after scanning. Call 201-445-1121. See also Thanks very much and it’s great to read all these postings!

  94. hi i’m curious if anyone lived on Fairlawn st?… i’m looking for old pics of my house to determine original architecture (trying to restore the front of the house close to it if I can) thanks from KPD @ 43 fairlawn st

    • Hello k — hope you get a reply to your comment and thanks for posting it.

      I had several friends on Fairlawn St. back in the day … not sure about your specific address, though. Next time I visit my mom, I’ll check her old HHK directory to see it the names are familiar.

      Very cool you’re trying to restore the front of the house to the original!

      Best wishes and good luck.

      • Thank you! I believe we may be the only house on the block w a chimney going up the front center of the house and we are 3 houses over from blauvelt (Between blauvelt and hollywood and backyard faces Sheridan st side of town–If that helps you at all). Someone in the past 15 years painted the whole darn house (stone front and all) the same boring tan and I would like to uncover the stone once again and any other element from the 40s when it was built. Wish I could upload a photo in this comments section. Thanks again!

    • I think Susan Buckles might have lived on Fairlawn. She’s on Facebook.

    • The Buckles lived at 22 Fairlawn St, but one of my classmates did live in the house at 43 Fairlawn St. She is on Facebook but I would feel better having her contact you. Do you want to give me your email address?

      • How exciting… pls have her email thank you!

      • I lived at 43 Fairlawn St. growing up, and later lived at 189 Ackerman Ave. I knew Anne Buckles, who lived down the street on Fairlawn St. I will have to search a bit for a picture of my house, but I’ll start looking. I remember that there was an “S” on the chimney. We used to shoot baskets after supper on our basketball hoop, and we had a blueberry bush growing by the side of the house. Lots of roller skating (and skinned knees), bumps in the sidewalk due to tree roots run amuk…a great street to grow up on! (I’m on fb; feel free to get in touch!)
        – Nancy (Tebbe) Lain

  95. I read your blog about hhk and was wondering if you could help me … To make a long story short, I found out that the state of NY is holding me up for a traffic ticket I received in June of 1993 for “failure to provide proof of insurance”. YES, The state of NY is demanding a copy of my old proof of insurance from 20 years ago…1993.

    My carrier at that time was a local company, who is now out of business. They were at the corner of Franklin Tpke and Maple Ave, and the location is now Rockport Jewelers and a Bagel store. the address is 1 N. Franklin Tpke.

    Would you know how could I get the name of the insurance company that used to reside there?

    I’ve hit dead ends at NJMVC, the HHK PD, the post office and the records room at the town hall.

  96. Your pictures, especially the postcard from the 60.s bring back alot of fond memories Carolyn. My family lived on Arbor Drive and I attended both St. Lukes School and High School from 1960 to 1965. I enjoy trains and I used to ride my bike to the Hohokus railroad station and watch the trains often.. My friends and I used to ride inner tire tubes on the Hohokus brook. I remember many of the stores you mentioned, but you forgot to mention the Kandy Kane on Franklin Turnpike which was one of my favorite stores. Thanks for the memories, Daniel Harrison, New York

    • Don’t forget inner tubes, home-built rafts and the occasional “borrowed” cement mixing tubs from local construction sites down the Saddle River to the Paterson Watershed, the explorations along the upper HHB into Cole’s Pond/dam and above, and the tunnel under the RR tracks to the back of the Hermitage (Watch out!, there be Black Widows on the roof of the tunnel!). Aproximately 200 yards up the cinder trail above the Bleachery, someone fixed a hemp rope over the brach of a humongous tree. One could hold on to the rope at the edge of the trail and swing out over the canyon with the HHB below. The first swing required courage (or insanity) and then, as usual, with experience came the “professionalism” of young teenaged males and we searched for “new” thrills.

      I just remembered, you could leave your bike anywhere, anyplace, at anytime and it would be there when you returned…or a friend would return it…or the maternal grapevine would activate and stern Dads would give constructive criticism and marching orders and the bike would retrun to the roost. Bicycle theft? Never heard of it! [S. Alan, the Elder Reade (of Kathleen, John, Michael and Patricia) – all of HHK Grammar, BF or GW, and RHS].

      • I guess I remember all of this except tubeing to Paterson. I was in the RHS class of 1960 Also I went to BF for 1 year before going to RHS. I consider Ho-Ho-Kus my Home Town. Those were really the good old days….

  97. Daniel, greetings and thanks for your comment! And of course — the Kandy Kane!! (forgive me for the lapse in not mentioning that one). Love reading your memories (my friend Nancy Henderson lived on Arbor Drive, I believe) about Ho-Ho-Kus bike-riding and inner-tubing. Thank you.

    Alan, yes ‘the Bleachery’ — I remember hearing about it but not sure I ever saw it. I do remember very fondly that as you said, we could leave our bikes anywhere, anytime — school bike racks, downtown, on friends’ lawns — with zero concern or worry and only a taken-for-granted trust and expectation they would be there when we returned.

    Herb, those were the days 🙂 Thanks all for your comments and HHK memories.

    • Carolyn:

      Hollywood Ave. crossed the Turnpike and dead-ended at the RR tracks. On the other side of the RR tracks was the Bleachery. One could usually smell the chlorine from the bleach during Summer days. Every once in a while, there’d be a “leak” from the Bleachery, killing every fish in the Ho-Ho-Kus Brook down to the dam below Warren/above Maple. The fish would pile up at the dam and be reasonably aromatic. Of course, the folks up at the Bleachery always claimed innocence. I’ve not heard Nancy Henderson’s name in such a long, long time. The Reade clan (Kathleen, John, Michael, Patricia and myself? lived on Linden. Michael married, rebuilt the family house, and lives there today.

  98. What a joy to read all of these entries. We lived on Addison Place, above the school; my parents lived in in the same house for 52 years, until 2004, and my sisters and I all went to the public school and Ridgewood middle schools and high school. I loved living in HHK and have so many happy memories. My younger sister Carol and I grew up with Jay and Darian Grieder who lived across the street from us. Jay and I would ride our bikes all around the Race Track Road area, where so many of our classmates lived: Chris Boyle, Pam Nagle, George Copsey, Gail Dahl, Rusty Dagenais, Dick Hammer (sorry if I’ve forgotten anyone else’s name). I played with Clair Marie Pope, Sandra Stankus, JoMarie Vanni, across the highway. I remember sleeping over at Jeanie Haviland’s house, birthday parties at Judy Gregg’s house, and going over to Doug Parker’s house, where his dad called me “Little Lois Jean.” Summers spend on Alessia Garofalo’s screened porch playing cards with Alessia, Gail, Lee Frost, and Lisa Klemmer. Wonderful teachers at HHK Public: Mr. Perry for math, Mr. Cassels (my homeroom), adored Mr. Van Orden. Remember the moose head in Mr. Van Orden’s class room? He always said the other end was in Mrs. Bickel’s room and she had to do the cleaning up! Thinking about the Kennedy assassination anniversary yesterday made me remember seeing Mrs. Bickel and Mrs. Lutz standing in the hall, hugging and crying. It’s a childhood now seen in a golden haze, so typically 1950s-1960s Americana.

    • I stumbled upon this blog this morning and read it with great enjoyment. I lived in Ho-Ho-Kus from 1954-1960 (kindergarten through fourth grade). My family then moved to Illinois. I have lived in Missouri since 1979.

      My teachers were Ms. Jones (K), Moss 1st, Melville 2nd, Barbarese 3d, and Maseroski 4th.

      Some of my best friends in elementary school we’re next-door neighbors Sandy McIntyre and Bobby English. Also, Stephen Volwinkle, Cornelius Shattuck, and Kevin Batcheldler. I lived at 4 Linden Road. Our backyard abutted Chris Boyle’s house.

      Dick Hammar (Richard Hammar)

  99. Lois, hello and thanks so much for your comment — I loved reading it with o many great memories of people and places in ‘our’ little town. I think I was in class with your sister Carol (class of 1966?) and in any case love reading all the familiar names. I too remember Mrs Lutz and Mrs Bickell crying on that day (my class was in Grade 6 art class upstairs in Mrs Lutz’s usual homeroom, I think …).

    Anyway, thanks again for sharing your great memories – much appreciated and I’m sure many will enjoy reading it.

    Cheers and happy holidays.

  100. Carolyn….the Bleachery was my alarm clock while living on nearby blanch field court. They had a series of whistles for the workers…I would walk home at lunchtime. School got out at 11:45 and I had to be home by the 12:00 whistle. At 12:25 the whistle would sound for the workers to return and for me to leave …at the climax of Rocky and hi is friends. In later high school years the 7:25 whistle to start work was my cue to leave for the Rhs bus at Blauvelt ave

  101. I also rode my sled down Hollywood Ave. I actually crossed Sheridan Ave once. That was a long ride…

  102. Hello visitors to this post — seeing a spike in today’s views, referred from Facebook. Wondering if anyone can tell me where in FB you’re coming from? Just curious – thanks.

  103. Hi, I came across this site while I was looking up my friend Florence Iwamoto. She resides at the top of the hill of Hollywood Avenue, I believe for seventy something years now. She used to teach my oldest son piano in her basement when he was just a kid.
    Since, we have moved to CT and now in Cincinnati, OH. Because of Florence’s loss of hearing, we have been communicating via old fashioned US postal mail. Unfortunately, I have not heard back from her in a few months, very unusual of her not to write back. If anyone on this site know of her, could you kindly see what she has been up to lately? I know she loves gardening and thus, I am hoping she’s just too busy tending to her daffodils to write… Thank you kindly.

  104. Chika Candice G – thanks for your comment and I’ll be interested if anyone replies about Florence.

    ‘Miss Takayama’ taught me how to play the piano with lessons in her basement for many years. I exchanged a few letters with her in later years, though not recently. What a wonderful teacher she was!

    Cheers and all the best.

    • Miss Takayama taught me piano 1-2 years in her home when I was in elementary school at HKS Public in late ’60’s. I just remember her effort to keep me sitting totally straight, not slouched, by pointing her straight finder at my back while I was playing piano, so if I leaned back into it, it would shock me into straightening up again as finger would touch the sensitive area of the back! I guess I got the point! (sorry!). Unfortunately, I never continued with piano. Maybe it was the tough walk up the hill to Franklin Tpke?? [Terry Suess, Ft. Lauderdale FL]

  105. With recent news events i was suddenly reminded of Mrs. Daly 4th grade teacher and her dog. She had a house at the end of Knollwood Drive during my paper route days…every day I dreaded that house because her dog was a real terror. Her name? ISIS !!! Never a more appropriately named dog as it turns out. . But it was worth putting up with she was a nice person.and a good tipper!


  106. Ron, hello and what a memory! I had Mrs Duffield for 4th grade (adored her) but remember Mrs Daly as really nice, too. Lovely to know she was a good tipper for her paper boy 🙂

    Cheers and thanks for your comment.

    • Ron: I think that you were in the HHK class of 69? Saw this blog for the first time and the memories came flowing back. I was in Ms. Daly’s class and got a “check in conduct” from her every report card. She was a great lady, I just couldn’t control myself. I hope all is well.
      Chris Roux

      • Hi Chris … long time …. Bob Kaiser, Class of ’69 from HHK PS. I keep in touch with Earl Goodrich, Terry Suess, and just found John Hauser. we all enjoy these HHK posts.

  107. Thank you, thank you for this wonderful connection with my childhood. I must have spent half the morning reading and reading…..and never did get all the way through it. Stumbled on it by accident. What a happy thing!
    Like most others, I loved going downtown. Happy hours at Ben’s, browsing all the compartments holding such treasures……paper money, jacks, plastic goodies of all kinds. The glorious Venus colored pencils by the register. Oilcloth purchased from the large bolts on the back wall to make book covers. Little bottles of cologne, colored paper, kites, pink bouncy balls, note pads, whatever a child could want. Muffson’s and the Kandy Kane were the places to be for comics and later, teen magazines. We would run to the Garden State between Sunday school at Community Church and the church service to buy Life Savers to see us through. Someone else mentioned what a special occasion it was for our moms to allow us to run downtown for a cheeseburger at the Sheridan, instead of going home for lunch. Another treat was to go to the Christmas Bazaar at Community Church to eat lunch and play a few games before having to run back to school. I shopped for presents for my mother at the Gift Box.
    And the bakery….oh my goodness. Best crumbcake in the world. Another favorite was their delicate oatmeal lace cookies. I found a recipe in high school, and have been making them ever since.
    I lived at 705 Warren Ave., which was on the corner of Warren and Loyd. It was like the school field was my side yard. Used to play in the woods behind the school field a lot. We built forts and spent all day pretending all sorts of things. Roller skated all over the playground area after they cemented that. (Can you imagine if they proposed cement under swings and monkey bars today??) Riding bikes to friends’ houses. We were really independent. How lucky we were.
    Many Saturdays were spent with friends, paying 5 cents for movies at school, walking the train tracks into Ridgewood. We would get lunch, go to the record store, the movies, Sealfon’s. So much to do… much freedom to do it. Of course, painting Halloween windows was another highlight.
    I have seen some familiar names on here, but I don’t think any from my class, HHK 1963. Perhaps siblings of some of my classmates.
    I moved away after 9th grade, so I, too, was afraid I had probably been forgotten. A HHK class reunion, I think in 2008, was the first time I went back to see all the friends I went to school with, and I was so glad I did. It felt great to be remembered. Mr. Cassell and Mr. Molzan joined us. Such a treat. Such a wonderful day. I, too, got a kindergarten chair that weekend. I visited Mrs. Mercier in the nursing home, and was so glad I did.
    I have lived in Virginia ever since we moved away in 1964. I have always felt so connected to HHK . We drive through from time to time to look the town over, check my old house, and remember how lucky I was to have the wonderful, free childhood we all enjoyed.

  108. I thought you might get a kick out of this song about Ho-Ho-Kus from the 1940’s… by the Andrew Sisters! Click through the initial ad

    • Brian, What a great song. How did you ever find that? I’ve forwarded this to my whole family. It certainly was a wonderful place to grow up in!
      We were on Franklin Tpke. with the rope swing & sledding hill out back.

      • I was in the class of ’61 — I lived on Gilbert Rd; we used to do a lot of sledding from Franklln Tpke down Hollywood Ave

      • So funny – Chris Kelly- I graduated in 71 – do you remember Suzanne Grogan??

      • Hi Suzanne, Of course I remember you. We had many sleep-overs & were friends for years. I’m in AZ now, been here since ’72. Where are you?

      • I remember her older brother John when they lived in the huge white home on the corner of upper Arbor/Racetrack.

        Sent from my iPhone


      • I believe the year was 1949 when the Andrews Sisters arrived in HHK to personally perform their song which was on the flip side of a release named Malaguana (spelling is phonic) which was fairly popular. It was a summer evening and most of the town gathered near the HHK Inn to hear them. It was a very exciting night for this 10 year old.

      • Hey, thanks Mark! Appreciate you filling in the gaps there. Where did you live in town?

      • We lived at 25 Fairlawn St. My folks bought the house new in 1938.

  109. Pam, thank so much for your memory-filled comment! and Dennis, Brian, Christine, Suzanne, Sean and Mark thank you as well. It’s great to see the continuing HHK names and places pop up on this thread from time to time — always love reading everyone’s recollections.

    We were just in HHK week before last, driving around for several days after the big snowstorm. Everything looks as great as ever and downtown still so much the same.

    • Hi Carolyn,

      Did you see anyone from the old days while there? As you know, we love your website and all you do to keep our memories of childhood alive.

      Jeff Wilson (HHK ’68)

      • Hi Jeff — thanks for your kind words! The HHK memories shared are all so great.

        This trip I was focused on my mom, though on my list (from one of your comments above, I think!?) is a note about Hogan’s restaurant in Midland Park where Dave Cassells goes (or went) every day – ??

        My mom is a friend of the wonderful Mr. Al Molzan (and was a good friend with his late wife Hazel (King)). They still exchange Christmas cards 🙂 Both turned 91 last year.

        Cheers and thanks for your comments.

  110. Hello, Friends. Tom Pyle here, formerly 74 Fairlawn St., Class of ’66, son of your local pediatrician Dr. Lou Pyle. (I saw George Mortensen’s name above, whose mother worked with my dad…)
    Sorry to be late to this wonderful party. I just discovered this blog Since 1997 I’ve lived in Princeton, after many years overseas. All the memories cited above I also remember well, e.g.,

    –Crumb buns at HHK bakery

    –Filling my bike’s tires at Dench’s… so much so one time that one exploded!

    –Buying Imperial and whistling Butterfly yoyos at Ben’s 5 & 10

    –Superman (and all DC) comics, as well as “malted milks”, at Mufsons

    –Bicycles bedecked for Hallowe’en parades with handlebar streams and patriotic bunting woven among the wheel spokes

    –Troop 54 meetings in the basement of the Community Church, where we lowly scouts sometimes felt tyrannized by the gruff scoutmaster Gus Williams.

    –Art the Barber’s faded tattoos

    –Grilled Cheese sandwiches for lunch (on schooldays!) at Kandy Kane

    –The magical paint mixing machine at the HHK Hardware store

    –The children’s church-fashioned coin collection offering box with its ringing bell at St. Bartholomew’s Church

    –The “new” firehouse when it was built

    –The cinder running track at the school

    –The “adventure” of biking to “the other side of the highway”.

    –Depositing my snow shoveling proceeds at Citizens Bank, using a passbook account

    –Hearing Mr. Gruber (of Shop) intoning how “it doesn’t take a Philadelphia lawyer” to figure out whatever he was trying to explain to us

    –Dodge Ball in Coach Simos’ Gym Class!

    –“Zimbo”, aka Fred Zimmerman, our humorless principal

    –Dance class with Mr. Chiorelli (remember the pompadour and those Cuban heels… and the much covetted last 10 minutes of “free dancing”?)

    –Learning of Kennedy’s assassination when overhearing a fretful conversation of Mr. Molzan and Mr. Maloney in the hallway between their classrooms at 12:30 on November 22, 1963…

    When returning home from points north, I sometimes roll down Memory Lane (aka Sheridan Avenue) while my mind drifts into sublime reveries of that simpler time long ago. Now that I’m finally legal, I do so while sipping an IPA at the bar of the HHK Inn…
    Several years ago I saw many of you at our 40th HHK P.S. reunion, a wonderful gathering. Here’s hoping the best to all of you.
    Carolyn, I also have fond memories of Sydney, where I attended Turandot at the Sydney Opera House, remembering David Cassells whom my family actually saw in Aida at the Met in New York. My mother was a huge opera fan. We bumped into Mr. Cassells after the performance in the Lincoln Center parking garage as we all were collecting our cars… or, as I distinctly remember him quipping in his inimitable style, “chariots”, for the ride back home on Rts. 4 and 17…
    Best wishes to one and all. OK, all together now… 2-4-6-8!… Who do we appreciate?… Ho-Ho-Kus! Ho-Ho-Kus! Ho-Kus! Yeah!…

    • Ahh yes! Mr. Chicorelli. He creeped me out. Many times he chose me to dance with him…..probably because I was one of the shortest. I hated that.
      The cinder track. I still have a lovely scar on my knee from that surface. It really made for an ugly wound.
      How about the day camp they held on the school field in the summer? I was a junior counselor with a group of young boys. That was a challenge….but I got paid.
      My first real paying job was an after school job at the salon next to the Kandy Kane. I was in 8th grade maybe. 50 cents an hour to sweep up, wash towels, etc. I can’t remember the owner’s name, but he was a real pig. He was VERY inappropriate with me, and I had no idea what he was trying to do, but I knew it was very wrong. I thought my dad would kill him when I finally told. Thank goodness he was gone when my father got there. I had to go to the police station and had to describe what he had done to me. Traumatic. He got a slap on the wrist.

    • Tom,
      A lot of water has flowed over the dam/under the bridge since I graduated from Ho-Ho-Kus Elementary in 1967. Thanks so much for the list. Every point you made hit home. I used to see your dad for checkups. I stumbled across this blog by accident as the name Duffield appeared in something I was reading and it triggered a google search. Ho-Ho-Kus was a wonderful community to grow up in and my education was second to none. Left New Jersey in 1968 with fond memories. Now in year 41 as an educator with the last 20 as a professor at Ohio University. All the best.
      Dave Carr
      HHK Class of 67

  111. …or was I Class of ’67? Yikes!…

  112. Hi Tom P and wow, what a brilliant list! Thanks so much for posting it with such great remembrances.

    Interesting re Nov. 22, 1963 — I think our class was upstairs in Mrs Lutz’s room (math class? or maybe art as it was Friday?) and believe it was Mrs Bickell who rushed in and to our surprise was noticeably crying, pressing a tissue to her face. She had a hushed conversation with Mrs Lutz (for some reason I think it was Mrs Lutz) and then someone told us all though I don’t recall if it was one of them or someone else.

    Also wonderful you’ve been to the Sydney Opera House 🙂 and thought of Mr Cassells when there. Glad you have fond memories of that incomparable Harbour city.

    Cheers and all the best – thanks again for the wonderful comment.

    PS class of ’66 🙂

    • I was in Mr. Castle’s class on that day and I remember it so well because I was the only person that had a little radio with them. We all listened in total silence! As we left to go home I knew I would find my mother crying when I got there. it’s a time in your life that you’ll never forget

  113. FYI checking online, Mrs Joan Lutz died on March 6, 2015.

    Obituary link

  114. Do you remember a little store called the Kandy Kane that was across the street from the fire station in Ho-Ho-Kus?it was the place that lots of us gathered in, after school during our elementary & junior high school years. I loved reading your article about Ho-Ho-Kus and it brought back a lot of memories. I lived there from 1964 to 1972. So beautiful and rich with history!

    • Yes, I do…and of course the man of all trades, Jack, who later became a policeman in Ridgewood. I believe the son of the owners was in medical school.

    • Thanks Diane for your comments and yes, I believe the Kandy Kane was/is mentioned by several others as one of those downtown Ho-Ho-Kus memories 🙂

      The town is rich with history (and everyone’s personal history too!) — great description. Cheers.

  115. I moved there in 1964 & graduated RHS in 1968. We would skateboard down the hill from the train station & hang out at the Kandy Kane after school every day. My first job was at The Sicilian Sun which is still there!My first kiss happened at the park by the brook. Loved the town

  116. Kathy, thanks for sharing those Ho-Ho-Kus memories. That’s great about the skateboarding & also your first kiss by the brook – sweet.

    Cheers and appreciate your comment.

  117. […] […]

  118. I have fond memories of visiting my Grandmother who lived in Hohokus from 1950 until 1971 when she came to live with us in Ridgewood. My favorite placed were Ben’s 5 & 10 where I could get those high powered new style cap pistols and assorted novelties without having to mail order to the Johnson Smith company. My sister and I always liked it when Grandmas would baby sit us and take us to the Elmwood Luncheonette and I could get that cheeseburger and fries with a vanilla malted milk. Growing up in towns like Hohokus and Ridgewood really spoils you once you grow up and get to see the bigger world around you which is mostly disappointing by comparison.

  119. Hi Kenneth — thanks for those memories! My brother and I had a few of those cap guns, I believe – round rolls of (?? paper?) with dots on them that would make a little POP. Such innocent times.

    I think Ben’s 5&10 was the best store in the whole world.

    Sounds like your grandmother was a wonderful babysitter too 🙂

    Cheers and thanks again for sharing your thoughts.

  120. Great little town in which to grow up. Where else could you ride your bike everywhere, get on a train and go into new york city then come home to a rural setting with great people. Mufson’s and Smongee’s (spelling optional) great places to hang out and from the pictures the “essence” is still there. J. Stein “58HHK

    • Hi John,
      It’s good to here from you. Kathe and I were in the same class. I live in Nuernberg, Germany. I visit my family in NJ each year and always stop by Ho-Ho-Kus.
      We were very fortunate to grow up in such a great town.

  121. Hello all,

    Just FYI and thanks to Sue who commented above about Miss Takayama, today I had the great pleasure of visiting our beloved piano teacher. I’ve posted about it here

    • Thank you so much, Carolyn, for visiting Florence and posting photos of her. Knowing that she is still alive and well brings so much relief and gladness to my heart. I will be sending her a birthday card, this weekend!!

    • Florence takayama iwamoto, my grandmother, passed away early in the morning on Good Friday, two days ago, at the age of 99. She was surrounded by family and was in no discomfort.

      Her 100th birthday is June 4th.

      • Marianne, hello and thank you so much for sharing this sad news about your dear grandmother’s death. Please accept my deepest sympathy and I know that of all the others who commented here and had her as their piano teacher. I’m glad she had her family with her and was in no discomfort.

        She was a very special teacher and person. With loving thoughts to all the family at this time.

  122. Chika Candice G, thanks for this and I’m so happy to have read your comments and been able to see our dear teacher. She was so sweet when she said ‘I’ll be 99’ and I’m sure she’ll appreciate your bday card 🙂

    Cheers and happy birthday Florence!

  123. Lois Jean, the words, wonderful teacher, is not the first phrase that comes to mind in describing Mr. Perry. (Of course, you were always very good in math, along with every other subject.)
    Mr. Perry scared me half to death. I would sit in his classroom with a gnawing sense of dread in the pit of my stomach from the start of class to the end.
    Plus, Perry’s classroom smelled as if he hadn’t opened the windows since 1954. And we were stuck in that room in 1961-62. Thank goodness I only had him one year.
    I believe Perry inspired this sense of fear in us deliberately. He wanted us to know that not everyone in this world would treat us kindly and gently, which my sense is was our general experience until that time.
    Lesson learned, Perry. Thanks, I guess. While I share many of the positive feelings about the HHK of the ’50s and ’60s expressed elsewhere in this blog, in this one instance, at least, life in the town fell a good deal short of being entirely peachy keen.

    • Doug, thanks for your thoughtful comment. Mr P clearly had an impact on so many of us along the way.

    • I graduated HKS Pub School 1971 and remember 2 things about Mr Perry (besides the infamous pages from his math book he’d give as homework punishments that we all had the answers to eventually). 1. I brought a Jews harp (mouth harp) to school (inspired by radio talk personality Jean Shepherd) and was playing it for the class before Mr Perry walked in. All of a sudden I realized the class was perfectly silent, I looked up and saw Mr Perry next to me, smiling, his hand outstretched for my musical instrument. He placed it in his desk among the tons of other items he had confiscated from troublemakers. At the end of class I went to him, explained why I brought it in, no bad intentions. He said he appreciated my directness and courage & returned it to me, asking me not to let it happen again. (2). Mr Perry asked class to write in his Composition class how we’d each spend our 1st day of when it turned to the year 2000. That’s when the movie 2001 A Space Odyssey came out. I raised my hand & innocently asked if we could make it 2001 instead of 2000. I said that the 1st day of 2000 we won’t have any experience in how it feels to be in a new century yet to know what it’d be like, but by 1/1/2001 we would have a whole year under our belt. He actually agreed!!!! Wow! I wasn’t trying to be a wise-ass or showoff (I think). I guess it was the challenge to see if we could not be afraid to deal with him as we would anyone else in authority. Who knows?

      • Two great memories! Thank you for sharing them, Terry.

      • Carolyn

        I enjoying following your blog on all the places you call home. I, too, grew up in Ho-Ho-Kus. I attempted to post the following response to Terry Suess regarding Mr. Perry. But I ran into a snag. Is it your understanding that each of your blog recipients should read it on their own Word Press Account? When I tried to post, WordPress noted I was using an email I share with my husband, who also has a Word Press account. In order to establish my own Word Press Account they wanted me to set up my own blog (or website or whatever) with its own monthly charge. I can’t believe there isn’t a way to participate without that.

      • Terry, Interesting memories of Mr. Perry. I graduated from HHK Public School in 1955. Mr Perry and Mr. Van Orden arrived just as my class moved up to their level. I realize now I may have been in the first classes they taught. That first year we put on a major theatrical production, somewhat beyond our capabilities. It was absolutely Irish, “The green and silver bowl. The rehearsals went on for many weeks. The costume committee was inducted at the last minute. Oh the days of the Kerry Dancers … .”

        In 6th grade, just as we were old enough to think we could make our own choices, there was Mr. Perry picking out books for us to read and produce reports. I thought I was a sophisticated reader; after all I had read Gone With The Wind the previous year. He assigned me to Pinnochio. Boy was I insulted. Later I realized he was pushing me to dig deeper, find other meaning. The following year my younger sister was in his class. Reading was hard for her, and she struggled. It didn’t help that she didn’t get glasses until years after she could have benefited. But Mr Perry assigned her The Yearling, 416 pages, it says on Amazon. It was hard, but the subject pulled her in, and she was hooked.

      • Mr Perry certainly a stickler and even threatening to us 7th and 8th graders. But …. he instilled attention to details in writing assignments, which certainly benefited me through high school and beyond. Being able to assemble good technical writing for technical reports, etc. a bid benefit to my career. Bob Kaiser HHK ’69

  124. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. Ho-Ho-Kus was my home and the downtown area was either a short walk or bike ride away. I remember getting my haircut as a young boy by Art the Barber! Art, a former Marine sported the ultimate Marine Corps cut… high and tight!



  125. reborntw, thank you for your comment (and question).

    I’m not sure about that message you received, but as far as I know, definitely ‘NO’ you do not have to have a wordpress account to post a comment! I’m guessing it has something to do with the fact that because your husband does have a wordpress account/blog/whatever, somehow it was trying to differentiate or protect the email associated with that one? No idea really — but I know a few friends who post comments don’t have wordpress or any other social media, only email. (And FWIW, I only use the free platform — I think it’s that charges a monthly fee but you can customise a lot more.)

    Suggestion would be to use a different email when posting a comment, if you or your husband have one that’s not tied to wordpress? Look forward to your comments and memories of Mr Perry (and anything else). Good luck and thank you again 🙂

  126. Anna Rose LeBlanc, thanks for the memories of Mr Perry (and Mr Van Orden). Can’t imagine Mr Perry as a reading teacher though maybe I wasn’t aware he did that, too in later years (?).

    I only remember math with Mr P and since I liked the subject it was fine — strict but fine! We had the greats Mrs Mercier and Mrs Bickell for English/literature (1964-1966). Reading your comment makes me want to check my report cards to see the teachers/subjects for each year 🙂

    Thank you for sharing those HHK memories.

    • And I still have my Composition notebook of all my writings from Mr Perry’s class!

      • Terry – Mr. Perry definitely taught reading in the 1968-9 timeframe at least. He was his usual terrifying self at this, as well as math. His rules included no abbreviations to be used, among other things. But … he pushed us to realize our potential by selecting certain books for individual students, as mentioned above.

      • That’s great, Terry! 🙂

  127. Wow, just came across this. No sense adding anything since so much that is already here is pretty much a ditto. Those shared experiences are what made growing up in Ho-Ho-Kus so special. David Manning (brother of Doug and Jeri, Cleverdon Road.)

    PS: tried to add website/s but couldn’t. ???

    • My brother,David Manning, sent this to me, not sure how it works but it’s fun to hear about other former Ho-Ho-Kus childhood memories and experiences.
      Doug Manning was my “baby” brother by 10 years.He always loved HHK.Sadly he died May of 2014.
      I graduated from Ho-Ho-Kus School in 1958. Would love to be in touch hear more.jeri.wilson

      • Jeri, thanks for your comment and glad you had fun hearing about others’ HHK memories and experiences.

        Extending sympathy over the death of your brother Doug in 2014. HHK was a memorable place for all of us to grow up!

    • Thank you, David. Not sure about the website link — apologies if something didn’t work properly.

      Indeed those shared HHK experiences made growing up there very special. Thanks again for your comment.

  128. Use to spend time on Ho-ho-kus with Paul Snyder and Stephen Hendricks. In the 1960s.

    I lived in Paterson, spent many a nights at the Snyder’s house.

    We would go to the shore with the Codys, great time I will never forget.

    But the Grand Union was my favorite store…

    We always stopped there after walking to Ho-ho-kus from Gradon pool, where we played basketball all day…

    • Thank you Pete for your HHK memories. Also lovely to hear of Paterson (my mom grew up there) and of course the shore, too.

  129. I too have fond memories of Hohokus. I would go to the bakery with my mom on numerous occasions. The jelly donuts were amazing like you mentioned! I also can remember the eclairs and can still taste them when I think about it. I lived on Sterling Place in Ridgewood and my friends and I would often cut through the woods to get to Ben Franklin’s 5 and 10 as well. It was The BEST! Now I live in Northern Ky.

    • Hello Holly and thanks for your comment!

      Great memories of the Ho-Ho-Kus Bakery and Ben’s 5 & 10 🙂 That’s cool about cutting through the woods with your friends to get there from your street. What a wonderful thing to do … those were definitely the days.

      All best wishes to you in KY.

  130. Have enjoyed reading all the wonderful comments and stories after running across this website. I’m from the class of 1964. Lived on Elmwood Ave – my sister Jeanne married Bruce Hamlin from Ackerman Ave. and my sister Laura married Bob Morris from Blauvelt Ave. I remember so many of the names mentioned here and of course all the places. Jeanne works at the Community Church and my folks lived in the same house on Elmwood for 65 years until their deaths. What ever happened to those carefree days?

  131. Jeffrey, thanks so much for your comment and please give my best to Jeanne. It’s great she’s still in HHK and I think she talked with my mom (Dorothy Dilts) a few times over the years. Those HHK years were lovely days indeed.

    Thank you again and all best wishes to you and your family.

  132. The A & P was in HHK. No need to go to Grand Union in Ridgewood.

  133. Thank you for the memories! My childhood years were spent off Racetrack Road-Nagle Street. Ben’s 5 and 10 was my favorite store for years. I would walk in and go to the left and toward the back tables. I can still see the partitions on the tables!
    My family moved to Upper Saddle River around 1969 so my visits came to an end. I now live with my wife in Hayden, Idaho.

    • Paul, thanks for your comment and memories! Love your Ben’s 5 and 10 with the aisles and back left treasures 🙂 It’s so poignant how these memories are so clear in our minds. Cheers to HHK and Ben’s.

  134. I am late to this site but am so glad I found it. I have enjoyed reading everyone’s memories. It has helped to stir mine. I moved away a long time ago, 1971 but visited until the 1980s because my parents were still there. Then they moved to live near us, in PA at that time. I now live in SC. I worked at Andy’s while in high school. It was a great job because I got to see and meet most people living in Ho-Ho-Kus. My mother worked in the Quality Shop, every Sunday after. Ass we got hard rolls from the bakery on our way home, and many times I had a sandwich from the deli on nights that I worked. I remember Dennis Dench and the others who worked there stopping in at Andy’s for some candy, ice cream or soda. This has been a great visit for me tonight. Thanks all for the memories.

    Lori Casy, HHK elementary class of 65

    • Lori, thanks for your lovely comments! That must have been a great experience to have worked at Mufson’s/Andy’s and known so many HHK residents that way 🙂 Maybe I met your mom in the Quality Shop, as my mom often took me there. Loved it and the ladies there always seemed to have just the right thing.

      Thank you again and best wishes to SC now x

  135. Nice to see another post, keeping this blog alive! Thanks, Terry Suess, for posting some other links to postcard video and Andrews Sisters. My mom grew up in Glen Rock and Ridgewood, and she moved to HHK after marrying my dad (whom she knew from her early PGH PA years) in 1948. Lived on Spruce Place, in the Racetrack development until 1966, then to Ardmore Rd (SE of St Luke’s Church) in 1966. Parents moved to FL in 1975, when I was in college at Penn State. So many moved away shortly afterward, and I seldom returned.

    I posted several times, above.

    Bob Kaiser HHK Elementary ’69

    • Thank you for your comments, Bob. It’s great to see the HHK street names 🙂 and hear of your parents moving there. I drove around Ardmore Road a few years ago and it still looks as lovely as ever, as does the rest of HHK. Appreciate your comments — cheers and all the best.

    • Fantastic. Good to hear!

  136. Circling back to this very fine HHK thread after a couple of years. Good to revive all the old memories once more. This post and its threads are the exemplar of the good purpose that all social media should aspire to fulfill! Goin’ strong since 2009…truly a community connector. (Maybe this one succeeds so well because its participants all came from such a great community to begin with…) Thanks again, Carolyn, for posting it. Best wishes to all the Hohokus homies.

  137. Hello Tom and thank you for your lovely comment. It’s great to hear from you 🙂 and I couldn’t agree more about the many wonderful memories and comments shared here. I appreciate every one, and all the HHK ‘natives’ who take the time to recount their experiences. Your term ‘community connector’ is perfect for our home town. Best wishes to you and all who grew up and/or still live in HHK.

  138. Bill Woods. Grew up on Hollywood Ave..511. 1952 to 1969.

    • “Billy” Woods, as I knew you back then! I was very close friends with MaryBeth (same age & grade) & Cathy, who was a couple years older & in my brother Mike’s class. Another one of my brothers, Rob, was friends with your cousin JJ. I think you were about the same age as my 2nd oldest brother, David. He went to St. Luke’s & then St. Joe’s. I spent a lot of my childhood at your house. Loved the basement & the above-ground pool! Last time there was 1983, visiting MaryBeth.
      Have been living in AZ since 1972.

    • Hey Woodsy – Jeff Busch here from Elmwood Ave. Sold my folks home a few years back as they both passed away. Lots of basketball took place there! Still remember playing baseball with Jack McManemin and others and for John Perkins in high school. Happy New Year. Living in Trumbull, CT.

      • Hey Jeff. Hello from RI. T E X T ME AT 2017593696.
        Just was with Bo and Dick and spoke to McManemin yesterday.

  139. Great to hear from you. I graduated from st. Luke’s in 1966. and now I s.c. I’m in the.middle of suit and I’m looking for any class mates.who.might be a witness for me. My name used to be demarest. Please text me if you would at 803 932 45

  140. Hi. It was so memorable to see Ho-Ho-Kus back in the day, but I came to Waldwick in 1970 and remember Ho-Ho-Kus as it was in the picture above. Over the decades the traffic has increased so much on Sheridan Avenue that came in early 1970, going into Waldwick and Ho-Ho-Kus. It is almost like there is no privacy for the people walking their dogs and pushing baby/toddler carriages. I can remember crossing Route 17 to get to the other side of Waldwick that you cannot do anymore because there is never any traffic letup. Even driving through Ho-Ho-Kus used to feel so quaint and pretty. It was always so easy and so much fun to ride bikes on Sheridan Ave., to the 5 & 10, walk for miles on snowy days, and drive into Ridgewood without a bottleneck of cars, jeeps, and SUVs.

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