Lovelocks on the Pont des Arts, Part Four

We couldn't resist, but, sadly, cow padlocks were out of stock

5 Responses

  1. Yay – another padlock is in place in Paris — Vivre les amoureux!! I hope this one will greet you on your next trip out…

  2. Thanks, Leesa!

    I appreciate the ‘vivre les amoureux’ — we searched high and low for another little cow padlock (at BHV in Paris and Home Depot in the U.S.!) but no luck — so a basic green one had to do to continue the tradition.

    Cheers and here’s to romance !

  3. Awwww, you did it again! Yay! 🙂 I kinda like that it is a Master lock, lol. No cute cow. Too bad. But I like the idea that love is your master, or you are mastered by love. Keeping to the innocent side here; not anything more “interesting,” although if you swing that way, hey! More power to you, lol. 😉

    Here’s to romance, indeed. 🙂

  4. Karin, great c omment! — ‘mastered by love’ sounds fine to me — I like that it leaves it open for interpretation 🙂

    Cheers and thanks for visiting!

  5. […] and her spouse, Clive, returned this summer to discover that their lock had been removed, but they put up a new lovelock in its place not long […]

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