A Felixstowe Connection

Checking e-mail at the top of Wolsey Gardens, Felixstowe

Checking e-mail at the top of Wolsey Gardens, Felixstowe

St. Pancras Station, London

After two weeks in Clive’s hometown of Felixstowe, we’re en route back to Paris.

Due to our rental flat’s location between a high hill and the sea — the flat is on Undercliff Road and we learned some TV stations don’t work there, either — we had to go to other places, such as the top of Wolsey Gardens above the flat, to use our ‘3’ network Internet stick.

We saw a cool-looking new portable wireless device which the IT guru will investigate for our next trip. In the meantime, I’m hoping to post this from St. Pancras as we await our afternoon Eurostar.

Behind the flat and under the cliff, Felixstowe

Behind the flat and under the cliff, Felixstowe

We decided our limited connectivity was worth it, as a trade-off for being on the seafront. There you can walk on Felixstowe’s long promenade, “The Prom”, every day and go to sleep and wake up to the sound of North Sea waves breaking on the shore.

North from the balcony, Felixstowe seafront

North from the balcony, Felixstowe seafront

The Felixstowe half-marathon took place on our first morning and we watched the start of the race from our balcony.

South from the balcony, start of Felixstowe half-marathon

South from the balcony, start of Felixstowe half-marathon

In upcoming posts I’ll share a few photos and memories of a wonderful visit to Felixstowe and Suffolk, the English town and county that have, along with one of their native sons, so completely captured my heart.

C&C on the balcony, Felixstowe, Suffolk, England

C&C on the balcony, Felixstowe, Suffolk, England

5 Responses

  1. Hi Carolyn, I hope that you and Clive had a good time in Felixstowe, the weather seemed to hold up for you..well I hope it did.

    Well I know Clive captured your heart, didn’t realize that Suffolk had too!!

    Look forward to reading all about your trip, and oh you are back to Paris..which I am still blogging about, a few more posts to do still!

    Take care and have fun in Paris.

  2. Carolyn

    Thank you for those kind words about our town. We’ll make the place even better for your next visit!

  3. Anne, thanks and yes, I definitely love Suffolk!

    Trevor, appreciate your comment and it’s really interesting to learn about Felixstowe radio. Clive was involved in community radio in Australia 🙂 – we look forward to listening to you / the station on our next visit.

  4. Hi Carolyn,
    I’ve just arrived at your Blog site via Barbara’s in Paris.
    Glad you enjoyed your trip to the UK.
    I liked your tips about how to deter house guests, very useful and helpful.
    I hate having people staying, apart from our Daughters’ and grandchildren, and even then it’s hard work!
    Equally I don’t like staying in other peoples homes, I like my own space. It’s much better to rent an apartment and meet up with friends and aquaintaces, if and when desired.
    Anyway, good to meet you in the ‘blogosphere’.


  5. Di, welcome and thanks for your kind comment. I look forward to reading your blog.

    We also like our own space when we travel 🙂


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