Paris Lights, Singapore Decorations, Sydney Home

Galeries Lafayette, Paris


A few days ago we walked along the Christmas markets on the Champs-Elysées, sipping a rather tart red gluhwein (hot mulled wine).

Christmas markets, Champs Elysées, Paris

On the Boulevard Haussmann, we searched for a few final Christmas gifts for our Sydney family. Here again, as with the Eiffel Tower light show, we enjoyed the dazzling display. Especially at Galeries Lafayette, we admired the bright lights outside and the towering tree inside.

Christmas tree from 3rd floor, Galeries Lafayette, Paris

En Route via Singapore

We returned to Sydney via Singapore, where Changi Airport was decked out in modern holiday finery.

Changi Airport, Singapore

Even on Singapore Airlines – both the A380 and Boeing 747 – it was the first time either Clive or I could remember having decorations inside the plane itself.

Decorations inside 747, Singapore Airlines

The Meaning of Home

As per our longstanding family motto, it’s great to go away and it’s great to come home.

As much as Clive and I seem to do very well in small spaces for extended periods — a hotel room in New Jersey or a small two-room apartment in Paris — it is a joy to be back in our relatively large space, at my own desk, surrounded by my favourite books, photographs, and stuff.

I still think there’s too much stuff in the world, and too much stuff right here in our Sydney home, but we also believe home is where you make it, and a corollary of that seems to be home is where your stuff is.

Home for me is anywhere Clive and I are together. It’s also, as I’m typing this, where I can breath in Sydney’s fresh air, marvel at the natural beauty of its Harbour, then step inside into the space we call home.

Summer evening, Sydney Harbour

Cheers, happy travels, and happy homecoming to all who are on the move during this holiday season.

5 Responses

  1. Wow, I would love to see Paris this time of year! And the decorations on the plane!? Thats crazy, but kind of sweet. Then the final photo, coming home, and the caption ‘summer evening’ sounds bliss. All perfectly sums up that family motto!! Welcome home.

  2. I would of loved a trip back to Paris just to see the wonderful decorations…and meet up with friends again.
    I hope that you and Clive had a wonderful time, ..on your trip…I love the photo of Sydney..:-)

    When I have my house as I would like it, I think it would be great to return home ..its ok now, but we need to change a few things, but no money too!!

  3. Hi Carolyn & Clive,

    Welcome back to Sydney !
    You both have spanned the miles and emotions during this trip.And now it’s time to relax and get back into your usual routine & surroundings.

    Someone once said ” Home is where you hang your hat”, and whatever else ! I certainly feel well implanted HERE, even if I have kept my nat’l identity and never tire of going back to the US;

    Just things that fellow expats can understand 😉

  4. I love to travel but there is nothing better than being in your own home with your own bed. I’ve never had a plane decorated for Christmas before-how cool.

  5. Michelle, I hope you get to Paris in December some day. It’s definitely worth it!

    Anne, same for you and I’m sure you will find a way 🙂

    xpat, I appreciate your understanding — we are definitely on the same expat wavelength about many things!

    Linda, no question about one’s own home and own bed. The plane was cool, too!

    Cheers and thanks all.

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